
Trump Sets the Record Straight About Him and DeSantis

While the media has been busy making hay from an offhand President Trump made about discussing one’s vaccination status and attempting to drive a wedge between the two most prominent Republicans. Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have both in different interviews slapped down the fake news and set the media straight. It would seem that the mainstream media is moving toward a ‘divide and conquer’ strategy, attempting to polarize the more unified than ever GOP with predictable results. After all these are the same people who told you that Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins and Adam Kinzinger were going to lead a mass breakaway of the “real Republicans” from the America First pro-Trump base. How’s that going so far?

Divide And Conquer on… Vaccination Status? Trump & DeSantis BOTH Set The Record Straight

The trouble stemmed from an interview President Trump gave OAN, where he described politicians unwilling to discuss their vaccination status as “gutless“. “I’ve had the booster,” Trump told OAN in an interview recorded Monday. “I watched a couple of politicians be interviewed and one of the questions was, ‘did you get the booster?’ because they’ve had the vaccine […] In other words, the answer is yes, but they don’t want to say it, because they’re gutless. You’ve got to say it. Whether you’ve had it or not, say it.”

In his appearance on Fox News’ with Sean Hannity Trump laid it all to rest,

“I get along great with Ron,” Trump said. “Ron was very good on the Mueller hoax. He was right in front along with Jim Jordan and all of the rest of them.”

“I think Ron said last week publicly, ‘The press is never going to get in the middle of my friendship with Donald Trump. We are not going to do that stuff,'” Trump said on Hannity. “He said it very strongly. I thought that was very interesting and very nice. He said that, and I agree 100%. I have a very good relationship with Ron and intend to for a long time.”

Governor DeSantis during the Ruthless Podcast with Josh Holmes Comfortably Smug and Michael Duncan on Jan 14th turned the attack directly back around on the media, calling the tactic out for what it is: bait.

“I think this is what the media does,” DeSantis said during an interview on the “Ruthless” podcast. “You cannot fall for the bait … you know what they’re trying to do, so just don’t take it.

“Just keep on keeping on. We need everybody united for a big red wave in 2022. We’ve got to fight the left, and not only fight, but beat the left. And that’s what we’re doing in Florida.”


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