
Trump Attorney Jenna Ellis to Press And Leftists: Do Your Worst

Constitutional Law Attorney and Senior Legal Advisor to the Trump Campaign Jenna Ellis has lashed out on Twitter this morning at the Press and Leftist activists saying: “Do Your Worst”

“I won’t back down. My mission is Truth, my God is the Lord Jesus Christ, and my client is the President of the United States.”

Why is Jenna Ellis being threatened? They’re scared of her.

This tweet was posted shortly after Ellis announced on the platform that she was headed to Gettysburg, PA with Rudy Giuliani and news broke that Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania legislatures are to hold hearings about Election concerns.

According to a press release from the Trump team,

“State Legislatures in Pennsylvania, Arizona and Michigan will hold public hearings on the election beginning tomorrow and next week in an effort to provide confidence that all of the legal votes have been counted and the illegal votes have not been counted in the November 3rd election.”

Ellis followed with another tweet indicating that the hearing will require “Respondents are preliminarily enjoined from doing so (perfecting the certification of Election 2020 results), pending an evidentiary hearing to be held on Friday, November 27th 2020” 

This isn’t Ellis’ first tussle with the press, it seems to have become a habit for her to refuse to play their game. They don’t like that. Even more so, they don’t like when you’re winning and all the attempts to smear you fail.

First They Ignore You, Then They Laugh At You, Then They Fight You, Then you Win – Mahatma Gandhi.

Right now, we’re in the laughing stage for President Trump’s legal campaign and for his attorney’s personally. This morning the Daily Beast and LawAndCrime chose to attack Ellis for a typo and a misattributed quote. All the while, they and the rest of the media anxiously avoid addressing the real constitutional concerns the Trump campaign has brought to light.

While they laugh at Ellis publicly and threaten her privately as she’s claimed, the Democrats’ ‘full-court press’ offensive against the Trump legal team continues unabated. As long as the President refuses to concede we can expect more of the same. That is, until he wins or they do. At that point, no-one will be laughing.


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