
Trouble in Paradise: Relationship Shattered Between Biden and,

Biden seems to be having some trouble playing nice with others. More specifically, New York City Mayor Eric Adams, as their relationship continues to become increasingly strained. While the city is drowning in an intense migrant crisis, the two leaders are refusing to meet up despite Biden being in town for the UN General Assembly.

According to Politico, Adams was invited to Biden’s campaign events and receptions but has chosen not to attend. Instead, he will be attending a meeting with the mayor of Seoul, South Korea as well as engagements with the Swedish prime minister and a roundtable with Pakistani leaders.

The White House has stated that there are currently no plans for Biden and Adams to get together during his stay in New York City.

Those familiar with their dynamics have suggested that this avoidance may be an attempt by both of them “to avoid exacerbating an already tense situation.”

This sentiment is echoed by Brooklyn Borough President Antonio Reynoso who said “the longer we wait for all levels of government to come to the table, the more we continue to make migrants collateral damage.”

Several Democrat-run states and cities including Chicago and New York have become overwhelmed with migrants over recent weeks (and months).

Although the Biden administration has taken some action, local authorities feel they have yet to receive proper support from Washington in dealing with this issue.

There simply aren’t enough resources or shelters available for those seeking refuge in these areas which could potentially lead to disastrous consequences if a resolution isn’t found soon.

It remains unclear exactly what steps need to be taken in order for President Biden and Mayor Eric Adams’ relationship from further deteriorating or even improving at this point in time.

It’s also uncertain how long it will take before migrant populations can be adequately housed without draining state funds or damaging local communities.

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