They Tried to Get Him Because of Trump... It Didn't Work

They Tried to Get Him Because of Trump… It Didn’t Work

After California Secretary of State Shirley Weber tried desperately to stop a pro-Trump candidate from entering the governor recall election, a federal judge has stopped her in her tracks.

California’s secretary of state attempted to disqualify conservative talk show host Larry Elder from entering the governor recall election due to a technicality.

The timeline of this course of events has been very rapid. Elder announced his candidacy in the recall election just eleven days ago, on July 12th, and was told on July 18th that he did not qualify for the ballot.
Appealing that decision required a lawsuit because the California Secretary of State refused to allow Elder on the ballot over alleged “incorrect redactions” on his tax returns.The law, which requires candidates to submit the past five years of tax returns in order to have their name on the ballot, was passed in recent years as an attempt to prevent Donald Trump from being on the ballot in California.

Sacramento Superior Court Judge Laurie Earl decided that Larry Elder was allowed to run in the California recall race against Governor Gavin Newsom, ruling that the state elections chief had no authority to demand five years of tax returns because the law applies to a standard “direct primary,” not a special election.

“I won my court case, I will be included on the ballot to recall this Governor Gavin Newsom. The recall election takes place on September the 14th. I want to thank Judge Earl for being fair, which he ruled was that this election law didn’t even apply to recall elections, and even if it did, I substantially complied,” Elder said in a video posted to his Twitter account, celebrating his victory.

“I want to express my deepest gratitude to the Superior Court of California, our friends, volunteers, supporters, and the people of California. We fought the shenanigans of Sacramento’s politicians and we won. If elected governor, I will fight every single day for this state. This is just the beginning,” Elder said.

There are 42 candidates running in the recall election. A poll from Inside California Politics/Emerson College shows that, of more than 1,000 registered voters in California, Elder is in the lead with 16 percent of voters.

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