According to a press release from the Office of Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich the other shoe is about to drop in the nearly year-long saga of the 2020 Election Audit conducted by the State Senate. The results of the nation’s first-ever forensic audit of a county’s election were released in a hearing on Friday, Sep. 24th amidst pathetic attempts from the leftist mainstream media to short-circuit the message. While they breathlessly reported that the audit’s count confirmed Joe Biden’s ‘victory’ in Arizona they left out the key factor that this was a count of ALL of the ballots, including those deemed ‘Questionable’ or ‘Suspect’, the totality of which is staggering, conservative figures place it at 49,000 by counting just those with severe or moderate impact. But all unpacked there are 57,734 ballots marked by the Audit as being suspect. According to the Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs: Joe Biden won the 2020 Election by a margin of 10,457 votes. That isn’t merely enough to ‘impact the outcome’ of the election, it’s enough to flip it five times over.
And those are just the discrepancies that were found in the ballots themselves, the flaws that were found in the Maricopa County election system itself are a whole nother’ can of worms. You can find that in our comprehensive breakdown of the results HERE.
And then there are the indications of outright voter fraud, which by themselves wipe out Biden’s supposed election margin.
- 9,041 more ballots were returned and counted than were mailed out.
- 5,295 ballots “potentially voted in multiple counties”
- 3,432 ballots do not match the person that voted.
- 2,382 ballots came from In-Person Voters who had moved out of Maricopa County
- 2,081 ballots came from voters who moved out of Arizona during the 29-day period preceding the election.
- 282 ballots were cast from deceased voters
“You’re looking at jail time, whether that’s a second degree misdemeanor, third degree misdemeanor. It doesn’t matter to me. As long as there is a penalty behind it and I would really love to see a fine,” Rep. Mark Finchem (R-AZ) said according to OANN. “If somebody knows that there’s a $10,000 fine for filling out that form or doing that thing that will interfere with somebody else’s election, somebody else’s election to be governed.”
What’s the Next Step On The Audit From The AZ Attorney General
The press release from AG Brnovich gave some details on the next steps but there is a lot we don’t know yet,
“Attorney General Mark Brnovich released the following statement regarding the Arizona Senate’s draft report regarding the 2020 Election Audit in Maricopa County:
“I will take all necessary actions that are supported by the evidence and where I have legal authority. Arizonans deserve to have their votes accurately counted and protected.” Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich
The Arizona Attorney General’s Office (AGO) has an Election Integrity Unit (EIU) that will thoroughly review the Senate’s information and evidence. The AGO cannot comment on specific allegations until its review is complete. For more on EIU actions, click here.”
For now the ball is out of the Senate’s court and its firmly in Brnovich’s and based on the AG’s track record he’s likely to act. Furthermore, and this is crucial: The Arizona Senate returns to session in January, the meanwhile any new investigative movements that are made by AG Brnovich’s team will only add to the growing movement calling for Senate President Karen Fann to lead the unprecedented move of decertifying the Electoral Results and presenting the issue to Congress, potentially placing us in completely unknown constitutional waters.