
Teens to be Charged as Adults After Horrific Murder

Four teens responsible for the horrific death of 73-year-old grandmother Linda Frickley in New Orleans will be charged as adult according to District Attorney Jason Williams, who said that the juvenile court system is not designed to handle such serious crimes. Frickley was killed while leaving work on March 21 in a broad daylight carjacking that turned into a murder. All of the perpetrators were under 18 and should have been in school at the time.

Teens charged for carjacking death

17-year-old John Honore and 15-year-olds Lenyra Theophile, Mar’Qel Curtis, and Briniyah Baker all face second-degree murder charges in an adult court.

Linda Frickley was attacked by the four as she entered her car; the assailants punched and kicked her repeatedly as she tried to escape.

Honore threw her from the vehicle and then accelerated as she remained entangled in a seatbelt.  The teens ignored her screams and continued to drag her down the street.

Frickley’s arm was entirely torn from her torso and she died at the scene, as her attackers sped away and bystanders rushed to call for help.

The parents of two of the suspects turned them in to the police, and the other two were quickly located using information from these two and surveillance footage that showed the group together.

All had been previously arrested and were skipping school at the time. The attack was in broad daylight and in full view of multiple bystanders who were unable to intervene.

Locals fear rising crime

District Attorney Williams has received some of the blame for the murder of Frickley and others killed in the area as the teens were known to the authorities as dangerous criminals.

It is too late for Linda Frickley, but Williams is at least belated working to ensure that the community is protected from the four killers by prosecuting them as adults.

In juvenile court the group would be back on the streets by 21 and able to strike again. Being tried as adults, they can be given a mandatory life sentence for second-degree murder.

As in nearly all urban centers in the United States, violent crime is rising in New Orleans and locals feel unsafe and unprotected due to the city’s inaction.

Williams claimed that others would criticize his decision to charge the teens as adults, though Frickley was well-liked and most locals were shocked by the horrific crime.

The district attorney assured the public that he would be working to address the root causes of violent crime in addition to ensuring harsher punishments.

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