MAGA Member Announces Run to Unseat Corrupt Democrat Leader

MAGA Member Announces Run to Unseat Corrupt Democrat Leader

A Trump supporting senator has made the announcement that he is running to unseat one of the most corrupt Democrats in the country. Republican Representative Lee Zeldin declared his candidacy for governor of New York on April 8, announcing his plans to challenge scandal-plagued Governor Andrew Cuomo during a live interview on “Fox and Friends.”

“To save New York, Andrew Cuomo’s gotta go,” said Zeldin.

Trump allies have already begun rallying their support behind Zeldin, as he becomes the first major Republican to challenge New York’s three-term governor. Cuomo is currently facing 10 allegations of sexual harassment, triggering an investigation by the state’s attorney general as well as an impeachment investigation in the state Assembly. The corrupt governor is also being attacked for his role in the deaths of thousands of elderly nursing home residents thanks to his disastrous COVID policies.

“I’m running for governor of New York in 2022. We are going to win this race,” Zeldin said, adding, “I’m all in, we are all in.”

“We cant get complacent,” Zeldin said, while noting that many people are “fleeing” New York amid high taxes and COVID. “Let’s stay here. Let’s fight. Let’s return New York to its glory.”

Zeldin went on to discuss the various problems with the governance of New York’s leaders, including the tax policies, attacks on freedoms, and serious problems with public safety, stating that these issues are “impacting” New Yorkers in “many ways.”

“I love this state. I’m still here. We need to turn it around,” Zeldin added. “People are going to flee every single day until we do.”

“Everyone, everywhere across this state needs to come together as New Yorkers,” Zeldin continued.

In press release about his candidacy, the representative pledged to “bring the kind of relentless, fighting spirit towards helping to save our state that Andrew Cuomo only reserves for multi-million dollar self-congratulatory book deals, cover-ups, abuse and self-dealing.”

According to Zeldin, “one-party Democrat rule in NYC and Albany” is at fault for the state’s problems.

“The New York that was once a magnet for the world’s best and brightest is now forcing its own to leave under the crushing weight of skyrocketing taxes, lost jobs, suffocating regulations, and rising crime resulting from dangerously liberal policies,” the representative added. “At the helm of New York’s downfall is Governor Andrew Cuomo.”

Zeldin also accused the corrupt governor of producing “a long line of scandals, lies, abuse and harassment,” adding that “Cuomo has abused the power and trust granted to him and it is time for him to immediately exit stage left.”

As New York is a Democrat stronghold, it is difficult to imagine a Republican winning the state. In the last gubernatorial election, Cuomo received 59.6% of the vote. There is some hope though, as New York had a Republican governor in the not-too-distant past: George Pataki, who was in office from January 1, 1995 – December 31, 2006. So, despite the left’s insistence that New York will never go red, it is possible that Lee Zeldin could surprise them.

Cuomo is also facing opposition from potential candidates within his own party, including Attorney General Letitia James, Westchester County Sen. Alessandra Biaggi, and outgoing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has reached his term limit set by the state.

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