An armed mob of Israeli vigilantes carried out a spontaneous attack against innocent Palestinians on Thursday. The hardcore Zionists meant well but they aren’t helping. In fact, they’re behaving like terrorists. Simmering tension boiled over in the occupied West Bank town of Jit and Netanyahu isn’t happy about it. The settlers’ Jit fit drew “blistering condemnation from top Israeli officials.”
Settlers attack Arab neighbors
On August 15, “more than 70 armed settlers invaded the town of Jit” in a totally unprovoked attack. Everyone’s been nervously on standby for over a week. Getting ready as total war threatens the entire Mid-East.
Not willing to sit around and wait for the Arabs to declare jihad against them, the Jewish occupiers of disputed Palestinian land decided to throw the first stones. They blasted into town Thursday “firing bullets and tear gas at residents.” They threw rocks, too. Also, they set several homes, cars and other property on fire.
As related by the head of Jit’s village council, Nasser Sedda, “his cousin, Rashid Sedda, was killed in the attack.” That was later confirmed by PLA’s Ministry of Health. They noted that “the 23-year-old Palestinian died after sustaining a chest injury.” Sedda notes that these sorts of raids have happened before but “nothing to this level.”
— Sulaiman Ahmed (@ShaykhSulaiman) August 15, 2024
They usually get some warning that something is brewing in the wind but not this time. “We haven’t seen anything like this before, and without a prior warning. They caught the people off guard – women, children, and elders were there.”
The IDF has been bombing and shelling the entire Gaza strip into rubble, in an attempt to rid the region of human cockroaches calling themselves Hamas. That’s retaliation for the surprise attack on Israel, last October. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would really like to see a ceasefire declared but that’s not going to happen at this point.
We’re waiting for the Ayatollah to launch missiles in coordination with more launched by Hezbollah. With luck, they’ll have every radical Jew hating Arab on the continent firing rockets at Tel Aviv. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is standing by with U.S. Generals at his elbow saying, “go ahead, make my day.”

Going rogue not welcome
The IDF is seriously upset that “dozens of Israeli citizens, some masked, set fires and threw rocks and Molotov cocktails.” The attack was ended when Israeli security forces moved in and dispersed the mob. “One person has been apprehended for questioning over the rioting.” They’re “looking into the death of the Palestinian resident.”
The generals have been asking to shoot anyone who throws stones but the high command won’t let them. “At the same time, it is unequivocally forbidden to take the law into one’s own hands,” Itamar Ben Gvir, Israel’s far-right National Security Minister observes.
They’re also “launching a joint investigation into the attack with security agency ISA and Israeli Police.” What’s left of Hamas is using this as propaganda to mobilize more forces. On Friday, they “called on Palestinians in the West Bank” to “rise up against the crimes of the occupation and to confront the terrorist attacks of settlers.”
URGENTE: Cientos de colonos israelíes, armados con fusiles de asalto y bombas molotov, están atacando actualmente la aldea palestina de Jit, al este de Qalqilia, en Cisjordania.
Los colonos están incendiando viviendas y propiedades palestinas mientras las fuerzas de ocupación…
— Palestina Hoy (@HoyPalestina) August 15, 2024
They could really use a hand with the fighting, since they’ve been basically wiped out. “The policy of raids, assassinations, and unleashing herds of settlers will only increase our people’s devotion to their land and sanctities.”
According to The Palestine Red Crescent Society, their medics “treated three injuries from settler attacks in the town, including an elderly woman affected by gas inhalation and two young men injured by stones.”
Netanyahu condemned the attack, warning that he views the incident with “utmost severity.” He has to send a message of zero tolerance for incidents like this. “Those responsible for any offense will be apprehended and tried.“