
High Ranking Whistleblower Accuses Leaders and Govt. ‘Not Telling the American People the Truth’

Ever since they published a story based on an anonymous, “scathing” whistleblower letter, Politico has progressives turning purple and looking like their heads are about to explode. It was allegedly directed to “high ranking members of Congress” from a “high-ranking Capitol Police official with knowledge of the department’s response to the January 6 attack.” Well, lack of response, that is. The “barbarian invasion” looked a lot more like self-guided tours by appointment.

Whistleblower throws DC in panic

You haven’t been hearing anything from QAnon lately. Not since their cover has been blown and everybody learned the FBI was behind the Guy Fawkes mask. Now, liberal democrats are scrambling to control the damage from what the insider had to say.

“The whistleblower, who requested anonymity for privacy reasons and left the force months after the attack, sent the 16-page letter late last month.” He claims to have had a “lengthy career in the department” and “was a senior official on duty on January 6.”

As Politico exposes, the whistleblower “makes scorching allegations against Sean Gallagher, the Capitol Police’s acting chief of uniformed operations, and Yogananda Pittman, its assistant chief of police for protective and intelligence operations who also served as its former acting chief.” Those two allegedly chose deliberately “not to help officers under attack.”

Steven A. Sund “immediately resigned as Capitol Police chief at the direct behest of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi immediately after the success of the violent breach of the Capitol.” Paul D. Irving, the House sergeant-at arms, also resigned, as well as Michael C. Stenger, the Senate sergeant-at-arms. Why did USCP leadership “approve the operational plan for the 6th if they knew the intelligence?”

According to the whistleblower, “Pittman lied to Congress about an intelligence report Capitol Police received before that day’s riot.” Congress shares responsibility too. “Without naming specific lawmakers, his letter accuses congressional leaders of having ‘purposefully failed’ to tell the truth about the department’s failures.”

As the anonymous source wrote, the “truth may be valued less than politics by many members of the congressional community to include those that have made decisions about the leadership of the USCP post January 6th, but I believe the truth still matters to real people and certainly the men and women of the U.S. Capitol Police.”

Weak response from Capitol cops

When the letter hit the news stands, the Capitol Police scrambled to get a statement out in response. It says nothing and does that miserably. “A lot has changed since January 6. Although there is more work to do, many of the problems described in the letter have been addressed.” So they claim. They promise it won’t happen again.

The department “has implemented, and continues to implement, many of the critical recommendations called for in” a Senate inquiry. In other words, don’ bother us about the details, we fixed them. They want you to believe that what the whistleblower had to say isn’t that important.

Besides, there is no need to listen to what that nasty whistleblower writes because “a separate review conducted by retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, and multiple probes by its own inspector general” got them off the hook already.

“The letter from the former employee echoes the thoughtful recommendations” of their chained and toothless pet watchdogs, they declare. “USCP leaders, under new Chief Tom Manger, are committed to learning from prior mistakes and protecting our brave officers, who fought valiantly on January 6, so we can continue to carry out the Department’s critical mission.”

Their most critical mission is the collection of a paycheck. They never imagined anyone would question the official narrative to demand answers to things like how did the barbarians get in, why were they allowed to wander around at will in the building and how come there weren’t any cops actually on duty that day?

The whole thing smells like a pre-engineered false flag setup. There was even a Psy-Op Captain present in the vicinity with a bus load of her closest friends. The whistleblower didn’t even mention that part.

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