He Kicked His Son Out of the House…Next Day They Found Him Frozen to Death

In this unfortunate case, an argument between a father and his young teen son ended in tragedy.

At the time, 19-year-old Lyndon Turner had experienced something many do during their teen years – a minor car accident.

What makes this situation worse, however, is that Turner’s father made him pay the ultimate price for a small driving error…and now it’s a mistake the father can never take back.

Apparently Lyndon’s father had convinced himself that the minor car crash was due to his son’s use of cannabis, something that the two had argued about in the past.

That coupled with their relationship being incredibly strained, which had worsened following his mother’s death, caused a toxic environment between the two.

Following the car accident, Lyndon’s father kicked him out of the house…and he originally believed that his son would stay at a friend’s house, however he was gravely mistaken.

Instead, Lyndon walked for over 6 miles before falling asleep in Chobham Common, a nature reserve. It was there that he died of hypothermia, according to assistant coroner Karen Henderson.

Henderson said, “I am satisfied he found himself in Chobham Common on the night of December 1, 2020, that he fell asleep during that period of time, and given the time of year, it resulted in significant hypothermia, which is directly causative of his death.”

Additionally, Turner’s toxicology report revealed evidence of “frequent or chronic use of cannabis” in his system.

Issuing a summary of findings, Henderson told the court:

“I accept the cause of death provided by the pathologist to the court as ketoacidosis complicating hypothermia. I am satisfied on the balance of probabilities that Lyndon was a regular user of cannabis,” she continued. “There were some difficulties with his family circumstances and due to a recent car accident, and concerns of his father that he had been using cannabis, he was asked not to remain at home. Sadly, he did not choose to find somewhere else to live.”



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