
GOP Launches Firm to Root Out Biden Cabinet Corruption

Many conservatives are faced with the reality that we will be dealing with Joe Biden’s radical policies but a GOP firm is fighting back in hopes to root out Cabinet corruption.

Brave Group Calls Out Biden’s Cabinet Picks

The group is called America Rising and is trying hard to stop Joe Biden from confirming certain individuals to his Cabinet.

According to the firm website, “America Rising PAC was founded in Spring 2013 for the sole purpose of exposing the truth about Democrats through video tracking, research, and strategic communications. We have uncovered countless instances of Democratic hypocrisy and taken action to hold them accountable.”

“We are constantly adding new politicians, candidates, and party officials to our tracking list as the “the major clearinghouse for opposition research within the GOP.” In the 2018 midterm cycle, we successfully worked to expose the hypocrisy of Democrats across the country, defeating incumbent Democratic Senators: Joe Donnelly, Claire McCaskill, Heidi Heitkamp, and Bill Nelson.”

Not Looking Good for Conservatives

The Democrats now control the House, Senate and have stolen the presidency, but Biden is hoping to get the minority Republican congress members to help him get his corrupt Cabinet in place.

America Rising has already called out Jane Yellen and Alejandro Mayorkas.

The firm has 15 researchers currently which also included trackers and communication operative working to expose corruption.

Researches Expose Corruption

Executive director Cassie Smedile and deputy executive director Chris Martin are working hard to show the truth in these dark days.

“America Rising’s work during the presidential campaign never stopped,” Martin said.

“Smedile said: “We think it’s important to keep a focus on the people who are going to be running our government.”

The Biden administration is interested in naming many former Obama officials to their staff. This can be a substantial conflict of interest according to America Rising.

As America Rising is exposing Biden’s Cabinet pick, it is clear that more groups need to stand up for truth and come together to accomplish this.

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