A Really Creepy Joe Biden Video

GOP About to Drop The Hammer…

Since the war with Russia broke out, Ukraine has received somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 billion in military aid.

Where is it?

That is what GOP House members want to know and the Biden administration cannot give them an answer.

Time to Audit

This is a huge problem when our government sends out aid.

We write checks, then we never ask for an accounting of the money.

Well, this time is different, and shockingly, according to reports, the administration can only account for about 10 percent of the aid sent to Ukraine.

With Republicans threatening to clamp down on excess spending, the UK is starting to panic.

U.K. Parliament member Tobias Ellwood stated, “You’d be playing into Putin’s hands. If America pulls back, Putin could snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.”

If the numbers on Statista are correct, the United States has contributed nine times more than the UK and three times more aid than all nations combined.

Remember Trump demanding nations pay NATO their fair share or the United States would pull out?

I really have to wonder at what point the Ukraine war becomes more costly to the United States… to keep funding it or to risk letting it fall because the countries that benefit more from a free Ukraine are not putting any money into the pot?

Joe Biden wants to play the hero, though, but his faucet is about to be cut off.

Source: Fox News

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