
Former Michigan Senator Sounds the Alarm on Voting Scandal in Detroit

Former Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck served as a Republican poll “challenger” which is a notch above a poll watcher. He’s also an aerospace engineer. He saw things in this year’s election process which indicate far too many opportunities for fraud, many of which he thinks were exploited.

Election Fraud in Michigan

Without even touching on what happened at the post office in Michigan, one of their poll challengers is challenging a lot of what he saw on election day. He’s sounding the alarm on some serious abuses. In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, Colbeck lists one potential fraud after another. This election remains far from over.

“Anybody who’s claiming an election victory on the basis of what happened, particularly in the state of Michigan and in the Detroit Absent Voter counting board, should not be claiming any sort of victory at all. “Because I’m telling you, the fraud that we witnessed, the interference, are going to knock the socks off of people.”

As a poll challenger in Michigan, his job is to “challenge the execution” of the voting process “at each of his local precincts.” Anything which concerns him is “supposed to be entered into the poll book.”

They keep a journal “of the proceedings of the day as to who voted, who didn’t vote, and what issues came up during the day.” The poll workers were cooperative but the “chief election officials seemed to be intent on interfering with actual oversight activities of our officials, which is blatantly against the law.”

Stuff that was really egregious

Colbeck notes that he saw “stuff that was really egregious, and frankly a threat to election integrity,” but realizes it might not seem all that exciting to Michigan voters. Starting with computers hooked to the internet which weren’t supposed to be.

“I was also an aerospace engineer. I worked doing cabling design for the space station, and I also am a certified Microsoft Small Business Specialist,” he notes in way of explaining his credentials.

“So the first thing that I checked out when I got into the AV counting board was the network topology for the computerized tabulators, the electronic poll books, adjudicators, and the election official computers.” Everything except the electronic poll books was “connected to the internet.”

Even when he caught it, the Michigan official responsible wouldn’t let him verify it. “I asked the head of the election bureau – his name was Daniel Baxter – I go, are any of these computers connected to the internet? And he told me, ‘No they’re not.'” He lied. “I think it was 10 am, a message had popped up on a computer screen that startled one of the poll workers, that said, ‘Your computer is being hacked.'”

Then there is David Nathan. “So there’s another election official,” former Michigan state representative David Nathan. “I said, ‘David, are these computers connected to the internet?’ And he says, ‘No they are not.’ And I go, ‘Well can you verify that for me?” All he had to do was mouse his cursor over the LAN icon in the system tray but he refused to do it. “And he said, ‘No, you’re just gonna have to trust me.”

“There [are] laws against manipulating election results. I don’t care if you do it by throwing in a whole bunch of extra ballots or whether or not you decide to be savvy with SQL databases. Either way it’s the same effect and you’re manipulating election results.” Michigan, Pennsylvania, and several other states are being investigated for election fraud.

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