Fireworks Disaster Caught on Camera Needs to Be Seen to Be Believed!

A now-viral video on Twitter depicts a terrifying scene of 4th of July fireworks destroying a family’s front yard and driveway.

Home security system company SimpliSafe became aware of the issue and confirmed that their cameras recorded the entire incident.

It makes sense that people tend to enjoy lighting off fireworks to celebrate occasions, and the 4th of July of course is no different.

The video was initially posted on Reddit before being taken down, after which it was posted to Twitter, where it has gained over 25 million views.

Within the clip the family could be seen gathered outside to celebrate the 4th of July, however fireworks that were set off unexpectedly forced the group to scatter to find shelter.

The video from SimpliSafe shows a few people talking and drinking alcoholic beverages while being surrounded by children before someone can be heard shouting, “Run!” as they set off fireworks.

It takes a few seconds before the fireworks go off, filling the entire yard with chaos and sparks flying everywhere. At first, it doesn’t seem that there’s cause for alarm after the fireworks were initially set off.

However, not long after and the entire yard can be seen catching on fire as people flee for their lives.

There are no further details on where or when the viral incident took place or if there were any serious injuries that occurred. The Twitter user who originally posted the clip stated that they were not related to any of the individuals shown in the video.

Sources: Dailywire, Dailymail, Whiskeyriff


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