
Disney Heiress ARRESTED

Abigail Disney, a wealthy heiress and philanthropist, was arrested after taking part in a climate crisis protest.

The demonstration took place at the East Hampton Airport in Wainscott, New York and was organized by members of New York Communities for Change, Planet Over Profit, and Sunrise Movement NYC.

It aimed to oppose “exclusive vacations of wealthy fossil fuel investors and polluters driving the climate crisis,” according to a press release.

Video footage captured the dramatic moment when police used power tools to cut Disney free from her plastic piping as she lay on the ground blockading the road with other climate activists.

One officer held her down while another drilled through layers upon layers of duct tape that secured the group’s arms together with thick plastic piping. After being freed, Disney was arrested and placed into the back of a police van.

Following her arrest, Disney said in a statement that although it is hard to give up luxuries like private jets which she has had access to due to her wealth status, it is time for real change when it comes to greenhouse gases being emitted in order for people’s personal comfort.

She noted recent events such as record-breaking temperatures worldwide as well as floods in Vermont and New York proving there needs to be action taken immediately against those who are causing this environmental decline by using large amounts of fossil fuels for their own gain or pleasure.

Teddy Ogborn from Planet over Profit agreed saying “these same rich people farting into the Hamptons on private jets are often the ones who make their money in industries that hugely accelerate the climate crisis.”


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