
Director Of National Intelligence BOMBSHELL Announcement

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe has made some shocking statements in a letter describing the Government’s inconsistent handling of intel from Russia and China. They boil down to this: hyper-partisan politics in our Intelligence Community made us weaker. Analysts were unwilling to describe China’s election interference accurately compared to how they covered Russia. Why? Because they didn’t want to vindicate President Trump or anger Congressional Democrats.

The Director’s letter was primarily based upon a report by the Intelligence Community’s Analytics Ombudsman Barry Zulauf that was sent to the Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Marco Rubio. Rubio requested a report from Zulauf on October 29th “asking for an independent review of possible instances of politicization of intelligence.”

Russia & China Both Influenced Elections

According to ZeroHedge, Zulauf dropped the bomb and Senator Rubio’s fears were absolutely confirmed.

Zulauf states that the analysts working on Russia and China applied different standards to their reporting on election interference. While labeling Russia’s activity as clear election interference, the analysts were reluctant to do the same for China.

“Given analytic differences in the way Russia and China analysts examined their targets, China analysts appeared hesitant to assess Chinese actions as undue influence or interference,” Zulauf wrote.

These analysts appeared reluctant to have their analysis on China brought forward because they tended to disagree with the Administration’s policies, saying in effect, I don’t want our intelligence used to support those policies.”

Ratcliffe’s conclusion affirms Zulauf’s findings showing a thoroughly compromised intelligence community seeking to undermine President Trump and rabidly in denial of Chinese interference. “Based on all available sources of intelligence, with definitions consistently applied, and reached independent of political considerations or undue pressure—that the People’s Republic of China sought to influence the 2020 U.S. federal elections,” Ratcliffe wrote.

DNI Ratcliffe continued in his unclassified letter,

“China analysts were hesitant to assess Chinese actions as undue influence or interference. These analysts appeared reluctant to have their analysis on China brought forward because they tend to disagree with the administration’s policies, saying in effect, ‘I don’t want our intelligence used to support those policies.’ This behavior would constitute a violation of Analytic Standard B: Independence of Political Considerations (IRTPA Section 1019)”

Confirming US Intelligence is Compromised

ZeroHedge, The Epoch Times and multiple other conservative media outlets have reported on China working against the Trump administration for years so this isn’t entirely new. However, the complicity of China in the irregularities and fraud of the 2020 Election is less well known. Now, we have final confirmation that the intelligence community was very well aware of Beijing’s efforts, much like Moscow’s. And that the objective was to tilt the outcome of the election in their favor. The big difference between the mainstream-media’s false conclusion that the Trump campaign was manipulated and the truth is who was truly manipulated. Our own intelligence community was twisted not only by foreign influence, but by the massive pressure exerted on them by Democrats within the intel community and in Congress.

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