A fresh bulletin hot off the presses from the Department of Homeland Security issues a stark warning of potential violence in Georgia over their controversial Senate run-off election.
Homeland Security issues violence alert
According to a “field analysis report” issued by the Department of Homeland Security, the contest in Georgia for two hotly contested senate seats on January 5 could turn violent. On the Republican team, David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are battling Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.
If Republicans keep just one of those two seats, they retain control of the Senate for another cycle. Two Democrat victories would cause a 50-50 tie in the senate. Democrats already control the house. The controversy kicks into top gear when you look at who breaks the ties in senate voting.
The reason Homeland Security is getting nervous over the Georgia contest is that Senate ties are broken by the Vice President.
Rightfully, that would be Mike Pence but since the Democrats are so far successful in their blatant attempt to steal the election right out in the open in front of everyone, it looks like Kamala Harris would be the tie breaker. Looks can be very deceiving, as Democrats know intimately.
As noted in the alert, Homeland Security judges “that Georgia faces a potentially heightened physical threat environment over the course of its U.S. Senate runoff election cycle, which may drive ideologically motivated violence or threats of violence similar to those seen nationwide during the 2020 presidential and state election season.”
In other words, watch out for antifa-aligned forces of darkness with their Molotov Cocktails, industrial grade fireworks, and green lasers.
Civil War in Georgia
“We further judge that violent extremists or other actors could quickly mobilize to violence or generate violent disruptions or otherwise lawful protests in response to a range of issues, including possible disputes over the results of the U.S. presidential election.”
Homeland Security is getting ready for civil war and they seem to expect it to break out in Georgia.
Security officials are concerned after “several incidents in which threats of violence or actual violence occurred,” specifically noting, “two separate July 2020 incidents, large groups of unidentified actors attacked state and law enforcement buildings.”
Also, an incident on July 25, 2020, which involved “approximately 100 people chanting ‘burn it down’ smashed windows and ignited fireworks embedded with nails in an attempt to set fire to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) building on downtown Atlanta” as well as a November 21 incident in which “members of groups with opposing ideological views engaged in assaults and physical altercations in front of the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta.”
They’re still reeling from the hack attack and this alert came out before the bombing of the ATT switch network in Nashville. Homeland Security will be looking hard at that one too.
“We assess that foreign threat actors view the national significance of Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoff election as an opportunity to use social media and other influence tactics focused on the state,” they write.