In what represents a new low for the Democrats on the fraudulent January 6th House Committee, an advisor to Congresswoman Elaine Luria (D-VA), Mr. Ben Tribbett has referred to maskless school children as “dickheads“ and suggested on Twitter that teachers give these students lower grades as a punishment for daring to show their faces in class as he attacked the recent Republican assertion of parental rights in governing education.
He Said WHAT?!? About Maskless Kids?
This very same man was once employed by the NFL’s Washington Commanders (formerly the Redskins) but was terminated “after posting racist tweets about scalping American Indians.” according to NationalFile. It would appear that Democrats’ judgment of character is still true to form in the halls of Congress.
“My favorite part of the ‘optional masks’ at schools crowd is that the teachers can identify the dickheads and make sure their grades reflect their caring for others,” Tribbett Tweeted.
Even after the post began to get ratio’d Tribbett doubled and tripled down in subsequent tweets. “I said it and I meant it. Ratio away.” He further suggested that the “anti-vax parents” of these children were “too dumb to think about the reactions of their kids’ teachers” goading that they’d “Better Homeschool then!”
I assume the reaction to this is because these anti vax parents were too dumb to think about the reactions of their kids teachers? Better homeschool then!
— Ben Tribbett (@notlarrysabato) February 1, 2022
Dems Like Tribbett Build The Case For Homeschooling – Harming Public Schools
The joke would seem to be on Tribbett and his ilk who are unknowingly bringing about the end of public instruction as we’ve known it for almost a century. According to the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) Director of Research Steven Duvall, PhD, “The percent of these households that had at least one homeschooled child (i.e., a child who was taught at home but not enrolled in a public or private school) was 5.4% in spring 2020, 11.1% during fall 2020, and 19.5% by May of 2021.”
He further noted quite accurately: “Currently, it appears that anxiety related to COVID-19, concerns for children’s safety, dissatisfaction with how schools have performed during the pandemic, and school curricular issues may cause more parents to homeschool their children than ever before and could, at the very least, delay parents’ decision to re-enroll students in school.
If the above-mentioned reasons provide accurate insight into what most parents are thinking about in relation to their children’s education, it seems reasonable that many of them will start to homeschool or continue doing so because their children will be safer in their own homes and will likely be able to learn more from a curriculum that parents can design and control. In the meantime, the homeschool movement continues to grow at a rapid pace.”
Certainly, prominent Democrats like Tribbett calling their children “dickheads” and Fmr. Gov. McAuliffe declaring “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision,” and “…I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”, will only serve to drive more and more parents to homeschool just as their ancestors did, reasserting their right to raise and educate their children free of government interference.
Republican Candidate Targets Luria – Demands Tribbett Be Fired
The Republican frontrunner to challenge Luria for her Congressional seat Mr. Jarome Bell took to social media swiftly to blast Tribbett’s disgusting remarks and called on Rep. Luria to fire him immediately via a Facebook Live video.
“This guy needs to go,” Bell began, “He needs to go and I’m calling on Elaine Luria to get rid of Ben Tribbett…Calling kids dickheads, that’s unacceptable,”
“Elaine Luria, I’m calling on you to fire him, get rid of this guy right now in a public statement. Stop running from it and issue a public statement that this guy is no longer a consultant on your campaign and he’s gone because you cannot attack our kids,” Bell said.
For someone who is supposedly defending teachers, Tribbett doesn’t seem to grasp how thoroughly he and Democrats like him are damaging the very concept of public education, driving parents to pull their children out of the compromised hyper-idealogical schools in droves.