
Breaking News: Top Attorney Releases Archive of FRAUD Evidence

Power litigator and legal crusader Robert Barnes tweeted out a link on Monday to an archive of admissible evidence to be used in court for election challenges.

A one-stop shop for election fraud evidence

For all the liberals in your circle of acquaintances who keep asking “where’s all the election fraud proof?” you can point them to HereIsTheEvidence.com, a brand new database archiving all the “admissible evidence.” Each reported incident is listed separately and ranked by both “significance” and “admissibility level.”

Barnes is not part of the evidence gathering operation. “The archive was started by a group of volunteers who are completely unaffiliated with any campaign or political organization,” he clarified. “They are excited and proud that the project has garnered so much attention, but would prefer to remain anonymous for the safety of their families.” That’s why he’s putting the word out for them.

Barnes lives up to his motto. “I fight for the underdog and win the impossible.” Wesley Snipes agrees. Barnes went to court for the actor in 2008 to beat “felony tax charges” on “over $23.5 million in alleged tax liabilities.” His latest high profile project is representation of 8 anonymous students from Covington Catholic School who were defamed by the media following a confrontation caught on camera in the nation’s capitol. Barnes knows “evidence” when he sees it.

10,000 dead voters in Michigan

Barnes also has an election background. He was “recently recognized by the New York Post as one of the most accurate pollsters of 2016 and 2020.” He also recently confirmed that he has some election fraud evidence of his own. “Just under 10,000 absentee ballots for dead voters were received in Michigan in a ‘small’ test he conducted.”

There is no doubt in his mind that the 2020 presidential election was rigged in favor of Joe Biden. “If this election produced the kind of statistical anomalies and anecdotal evidence of illicit ballots in any other country, they would call the election in doubt,” he tweeted. “Shouldn’t the same standards apply to our elections that we apply to foreign elections?” That’s why all of the data is being made available to the public for review.

“Our desire is that more of the election process would be made transparent so there would be unquestionable confidence in our voting systems,” the group behind the project notes. “This is for aggregating items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.” All of that data will come into play shortly because the Trump Campaign has lawsuits pending in various states “after videos of poll watchers turned away, witness accounts of ballot-stuffing and serious statistical anomalies emerged.” If Joe Biden steals this election, it proves that the Constitution is dead and we’re reduced to lawless anarchy.

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