
Breaking: House Democrats Issue Secret Subpoena Tsunami

While everyone else was distracted by the Taliban, constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley was keeping his eye on Congress, especially the Democrats. The ones lurking in the House of Representatives got especially sneaky in secret by plotting a “subpoena tsunami.” It’s more like a political sleeper-cell terror attack. The “exhaustive list” includes virtually every conservative in Washington, starting with Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan.

Democrats plot sneak attack

The Democrats are about to unleash a tsunami like flood of subpoenas targeting any Republican member who stood behind Once and Future President Donald Trump. Jonathan Turley calls it more than just a fishing trip. “This is a fishing expedition on an oceanic scale.”

Democrat chairman of the House Select Committee, Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, confirmed that his faction has “quite an exhaustive list of people. I won’t tell you who they are.”

What they’re fishing for is any kind of evidence at all that they can twist into proving their version of events on January 6. The barbarian invasion may have been a riot but the FBI reportedly determined that there was no organized “insurrection.” The final assessment says “90 to 95 percent of these are one-off cases,” the bureau reports.

“There was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages.” The bureau’s hearts are broken over not being able to even manufacture evidence to say it was. Democrats are desperate and this latest move shows how desperate.

McCarthy and Jordan are already on notice to “preserve their phone records” for surrender to the committee. Turley points out that the “Democrats’ move to investigate members of the opposing party is a dangerous precedent in an institution that has always protected the privacy and confidentiality of phone and office records.” Not two months ago, despicable Democrat Adam Schiff was hopping up and down to blast one of “the most dangerous assaults on our democracy.” Now he’s using it.

At the time he was furious that the Trump administration targeted him in their investigations. They were looking for whoever is responsible for leaks of crucial classified information. Schiff and his amigo Eric Swalwell were square in the crosshairs of the investigation. Then, Swalwell whined about “this ‘fragile time for our democracy’ if members could have their phone logs seized through secret surveillance orders issued to telephone companies.”

Protection from secret surveillance

At the time, Turley testified in front of Congress advocating the need for “greater protections from secret surveillance for members and reporters alike.” Each and every one of the Democrats in the room were snorting in disgust “at the notion of such seizures of member phone logs.”

Now, Rep. Thompson has come clean and admitted that “that he has sent letters to telecommunications companies to preserve documents including phone logs for hundreds of people, including members of Congress.”

Which companies might those be? Democrats aren’t saying. Thompson did drop some hints though. You know them.


They’re “the usual suspects. You know, in terms of telecom companies, they’re the ones that pretty much you already know, maybe the networks, the social media platforms, those kinds of things.” It’s been verified that that among the “hundreds” of subpoenas “will be Trump family members and leading Republicans.”

Adam Schiff and the devious Democrats tried a move like this before. “A couple years ago, Schiff unleashed a massive secret surveillance order to companies.” He personally “barred the companies from informing targets.” The tactic was so abusive a special hearing was held over it.

“That practice was denounced by many as negating Section 222 of the Federal Communications Act which allows for targets to challenge such orders.” Laws don’t apply to liberals these days. “Thompson is not only refusing to list names of the targets, he has also asked the companies to keep the subpoenas secret. It is not clear that Congress has such enforcement authority for secret subpoenas.”

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