
Biden Nullified on THIS Level

Capitol flags will be flying properly at full staff as President Donald Trump takes the formal oath of office. For the second time. Nobody can prove that it was planned but Jimmy Carter died on a very strategic date, with beneficial consequences for Democrats. They won’t be able to gloat, thanks to House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Flags at full staff

For as long as the United States of America has had presidents, there’s been a policy of lowering federal flags to half staff when one passes away.

Democrat former president Jimmy Carter, who’s been under hospice care since February 18, 2023, held on until less than 30 days before Trump’s swearing in. Some say he did it just to spoil Trump’s photos but it’s much more likely just a coincidence.

On Tuesday, January 14, House Speaker Mike Johnson declared, “on January 20th, the flags at the Capitol will fly at full-staff to celebrate our country coming together behind the inauguration.” It’s not disrespectful to Jimmy.

Capitol flags will be flying at full staff.

They’ll be “lowered back to half-staff the following day to continue honoring President Jimmy Carter.” He ought to appreciate the karmic irony from his gas rationing days. The 20th is Trump’s day at the political pump.

Joe Biden could hardly conceal his glee as he “ordered flags to half-staff for 30 days in commemoration of Carter, who passed away December 29 at the age of 100.

Joe’s lame-duck directive “applies to the White House, all public buildings and military posts.” Republicans weren’t phased.

Texas did it first

Republicans instantly started howling about it, though there’s nothing they can do. A tradition is a tradition. Nobody can even blame Biden for putting it in action. That’s why he had such a hard time not chuckling as he signed the somber order.

Republicans thought they were going to be forced to accept flags under a half-staff of mourning flying over inaugural festivities in Washington.

Trump lamented the timing on social media, noting that “Democrats were ‘giddy‘ about the implication the nation would be in mourning for his assumption of office.

Jimmy Carter died on a very strategic date.

The day before Speaker Johnson lifted the loft on Capitol flags, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott declared his state was going rogue to raise Old Glory to full staff.

Today, I ordered flags raised to full-staff at the Texas Capitol & state buildings for President Trump’s inauguration,” he posted.

While we honor President Carter’s service, we also celebrate an incoming President & our bright future.” At the federal level, “Johnson’s order only covers flags at the Capitol rather than other government buildings.

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