Agents with the Arizona Border Patrol are on high alert for cop killing illegals. The Bushwhacking banditos are strolling across the border while Joe Biden holds the door wide open for them.
Agents have the intel
According to an alert bulletin passed around by the Arizona branch of the Border Patrol this week, agents have solid intelligence that “two Mexican migrants planned to jump the border to try to kill a cop.” At least, that’s what the Washington Times is reporting.
Officials are quick to advise that “the tip” leaked to the Times is “uncorroborated.”
Even so, they want every law enforcement officer to be extra vigilant because the threat border agents picked up was “very specific.” Specific enough to issue a “Be on the Lookout” bulletin.
The information “gave a location on federal land, and time, early Thursday morning, for the potential breach of the border.” Just because Thursday came and went does not mean they won’t try again.
Agents explain that “one of the two men was identified in the bulletin as Eduardo Molina-Flores, a 49-year-old Mexican man who is on a Homeland Security watchlist.”
‘Law Enforcement Sensitive’
He’s on a mission. “It has been reported that the subject’s intent is to kill a local law enforcement officer,” agents with the Border Patrol said in the bulletin, titled “BOLO-Officer Safety/Situational Awareness/Armed Suspect.”
Even though the flyer was labeled by agents as “Law Enforcement Sensitive,” there isn’t a single word about which “specific agency” the terrorist may target, so every LEO needs to be on guard.
Along with the surge of illegals attracted to come north like a magnet by Joe Biden’s imperial wide open borders policy, come a herd of terrorists.
Agents warn that men on the terror watchlist from Iran, Yemen, Bangladesh, and Serbia, just to name a few, have been recently nabbed coming to America.