Rouge officials sent out 57,000 pre-filled absentee ballot requests and a second Iowa judge has ruled these requests invalid.
Another Iowa Voter Ruling
Judge Patrick Tott is the second Iowa judge to side with President Trump’s campaign to order a county to reject 14,000 absentee ballot requests that have been returned thus far.
This Friday the decision was made that found that Woodbury County elections commissioner Patrick Gill acted improperly when he sent out close to 60,000 absentee ballot request forms with voters information already filled in.
Many GOP groups including the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee and the Iowa Republican Party have taken legal actions against three separate Iowa counties, KCCI reports. Their argument is in attempting to increase voting security.
Voter Fraud is Real
Voter fraud is a real concern for many who value election integrity.
Unfortunately, it appears that many Democrats are willing to remove integrity from the U.S. election cycles in order to further their agendas through mail-in-voting.
#DemocratVoterFraud explained…
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) September 1, 2020
Commissioner Gill argued that he was just making it easier for people to apply for absentee ballots. However, the judge ruled it was in direct violation of an order from Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate who dictated blank forms be mailed to voters to establish statewide uniformity.
Ballot Request Cannot Be Pre-Filled
This current decision came just days after another judge ruled that a Linn County Democrat auditor violated the secretary of state’s ruling which ended in 50,000 pre-filled absentee ballot requests returned.
50,000 people in Iowa will need to request another absentee ballot after a judge sided with the Trump campaign and invalidated their requests.
This is disenfranchisement of voters!#DemCastIA #Focus14
— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) September 3, 2020
It is now put on county officials to communicate to voters their pre-filled ballot applications will not be processed. The voters can now resubmit appropriate forms or vote in-person on November 3.
A similar lawsuit is occurring in Johnson County.