Aria DiMezzo transsexual satanist anarchist

Transsexual Satanist Anarchist Wins GOP Nomination in Bizarre Turn of Events

More proof has emerged that voters don’t actually care about the people that they elect, just the party that they represent. A person who refers to themselves as a “transsexual Satanist anarchist” recently won the Republican nomination for Sheriff of Cheshire County in New Hampshire, as they ran unopposed.

Aria DiMezzo says that she ran for sheriff is because she is against the electoral system, and wanted to prove that people do not research who they are voting for, and simply check the box for the party they identify with.

DiMezzo originally thought that she would lose to a write-in candidate, but she didn’t. “The system is utterly and hopelessly broken,” she said.

You could have easily looked at a sample ballot prior to the election, and you could have simply looked up the candidates in a search engine.  By doing so, you… would probably have been appalled, and probably wouldn’t have voted for me. I wouldn’t have begrudged you for that.  I was, after all, rather upfront about it. I went into it expecting that I would lose the primary to a write-in candidate, because I didn’t think that so many voters were just…completely and totally oblivious about who they were voting for,” DiMezzo added.

“More than 4,000 people went into the voting booth on September 8 this week, and they all filled in the circle by my name despite knowing absolutely nothing about the person they were nominating to the most powerful law enforcement position in the county,” DiMezzo continued.

YouTube commentator Tim Pool wrote about DiMezzo on Twitter, stating: “People just voted (R) for the GOP nomination and didnt realize they had just voted for a ‘Trans-Satanist-Anarchist’. Now they are pissed.”

The county and state GOP gave DiMezzo no support in this election. The head of the Cheshire County Republican Party, Marylin Huston, offered congratulations to the candidate, “misgendering” DiMezzo.

‘He did very well with the primary and that was wonderful,’ Huston said.

Background on DiMezzo

DiMezzo is the host of a podcast where she is known as ‘She-Male.’ She is also a member of a group of Libertarian activists referred to as the Free Keene group, which is an offshoot of the Free State Project of Libertarians, who have since distanced themselves from the group.

DiMezzo had originally intended to run as a Libertarian, but was unable to get onto the party’s ballot. Instead, she chose to run as a Republican, signing up two days before the deadline after finding out that longtime GOP candidate Earl Nelson had decided not to run.

The GOP has been accused of shunning the candidate, but Huston says that they are just concerned about DiMezzo’s positions, as well as her declaration of being a Satanist.

‘If you look at their social media and their political statements they really do not fall in line with the Republican message,’ Huston said.

DiMezzo openly says that she is “more liberal” than the Democrat candidate she is running against, four-term incumbent Eli Rivera.

Discussing her platform as a sheriff’s candidate, DiMezzo says she favors ending prosecution for drug crimes, sex work, illegal immigration, and other crimes that she deems ‘victimless’.

DiMezzo also indentifies herself as a ‘high priestess’ of the Reformed Satanic Church, which defines itself as “anti-religion”, unlike the actual Church of Satan. The Satanist organization states that it is ‘dedicated to the sovereignty of the individual, and to the principle of non-agression’.

The “Church” also states: “Lucifer is not our god nor our king. Lucifer is our example. As he refused to obey the arbitrary edicts of an authority, so shall we. Morality is determined by conscience, not by hierarchical ranking of a decree.”

Tim Pool’s commentary in his video tells the story best, discussing the fact that voters no longer research candidates, and don’t seem to care who wins as long as they are a member of their ‘tribe.’ As voters, the American people need to step up and actually look into the issues in order to make an informed decision come election time.

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