They Claim This Billboard in a Shooting Club is Racist…Can You See Why?

The NAACP is going after a shooting club in New Jersey. This is amid claims that the club’s billboard depicting a kneeling soldier is racist, but the owner is taking a stand.

One gun range owner in southern New Jersey decided to put up a billboard that says, “The only time we take a knee.” This to combat the NFL players protesting the national anthem.

The billboard also displayed a picture of a person all in black holding a rifle. Of Course, liberals in the area are highly upset over its appearance to mock NFL players who chose to take a knee to fight police brutality and racial inequality. Some people even called the gun range video racist.

The owner said that the billboard had nothing to do with race. “It has absolutely nothing to do with race,” explained Wesley Aducat, owner of South Jersey Shooting Club. “It’s just support for our veterans.”

Activists from the local NAACP chapter in Camden, N.J., are calling for protests against the company. They are demanding that Aducat remove the billboard. NAACP member Keith Benson Sr. has encouraged people to call and complain.

“We’re talking about police murdering unarmed black people,” he said. ” all the disrespect they’re going to get as a result of putting it up. But they probably thought they were clever. They probably thought they were strong, patriotic Americans.”

This photo was originally posted by MoNeke Ragsdale who snapped a picture of the billboard and turned to Twitter to “expose” Aducat’s “racist” sign.

“Please call! This billboard on Rt. 73 in Voorhees. Tell them this billboard is racist. Taking a knee is a protest to say NO to police brutality. The women of SJWPC are taking a knee to support black and brown people.Take it down!The Manager is Carmen Console: 609-704-9500.” Ragsdale posted a picture of one of the billboards on Twitter.

The Facebook page of the shooting range, however, has garnered a significant amount of supportive comments.

“If I lived closer I’d sure patronize your business. LOVE the billboards, keep them up!!!” wrote one person. “Love the billboards! Ignore the haters, they probably can’t legally own guns anyway,” said another. Added one: “I support you – LEAVE THE BILLBOARD UP.”

Watch the video report below

Sources: AWM, The Philadelphia Inquirer.


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