These Children Were Found On The Street In HORRIFIC Conditions

While in the middle of delivering mail, a Sharp County postal worker found two children in horrible conditions.

Postal worker Judy A. Alexander saw the two girls as she was driving on Hars Creek Road in the town of Ash Flat.

Alexander stated that the four-year-old girl was wearing an old nightgown and the two-year-old girl was naked and covered in feces.

Alexander helped get the girls off the road and began searching for the person responsible for taking care of them.

To her dismay, she discovered the children’s mother passed out in a chair in a garage.

“The postal worker stopped when she saw two small children playing in the road, and I am glad she did come along,” said Sharp County Sheriff Mark Counts.

Alexander contacted 911 and when authorities arrived, they discovered that the girls were in awful living conditions.

“The girls appeared not to have had a bath in several days and appeared to be covered in what looked like feces,” Counts said. “We used some baby wipes to clean them up before DHS could get there.”

Photo Credit: KAIT, Tex Texin/Flickr via Wikimedia Commons

The mother, 29-year-old Heather Shelton, was woken up by police and explained to them that she had another baby inside the house, where the conditions were even worse.

“The little baby boy’s crib had a used diaper in there that appeared to be there for a while, maybe up to a week,” Counts said. “It was just a bad situation.”

More details from Opposing Views:

Counts notified the Department of Human Services, which took the children into its care.

“When DHS showed up the kids didn’t want anything to do with her,” he said. “I think they have been having to fend for themselves for a while. I know when they took the kids off the mom didn’t show much emotion at all.”

Officers also found two bags of marijuana, two pipes, and eight bottles of fingernail polish.

“The mom is more worried about getting high than taking care of her very beautiful children, and it is just sad,” Counts said.

Shelter was arrested on three counts of endangering the welfare of a minor, one count of possession of a controlled substance and one count of possession of an instrument to commit a crime.

Sources: OpposingViews


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