Students Endangered by Radioactive Contamination

School officials announced on Tuesday that Jana Elementary School in Missouri will be shut down indefinitely after high levels of radioactive waste were reported.

The school, which is located in Florissant near St. Louis, made the decision following a report last week by Boston Chemical Data Corp.

“Hazelwood School District’s top priority is providing a safe environment, free from distractions and disruptions, in which we can educate our children and in which our staff can work,” read a statement made by the district.

The school district revealed that students would be switching to virtual instruction for the remainder of the semester. The district “will review redistricting options to be put in place prior to the second semester of the 2022/2023 school year, with a target of November 28 for students and staff to report to redistricted schools, if feasible.”

According to the statement, it will be mid-November before parents and staff will receive notifications regarding new school assignments. Students and staff are expected to start virtual education in their new locations on November 28.

The school district apologized for the changes, noting that it plans to provide support for those impacted during the transition.

“To the students, staff, and parents of the Jana School Community—We recognize that you are being faced with a situation not created by anyone in this District, over which you have no control, and that this is causing a disruption to our student’s education and school climate. For that we sincerely apologize,” the district’s statement explained. “Please know that Hazelwood School District will work hand-in-hand with you to provide the support that is needed as we transition through these very difficult times.”

According to the study conducted in the area, radioactive waste from World War II production as part of the Manhattan Project contaminated Coldwater Creek. Mallinckrodt Chemical Co. processed uranium ore in St. Louis from 1942 to 1957. The company shipped waste to a site that flowed along the 19-mile creek near the Missouri River.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designated the creek as a Superfund site in 1989. However, contamination removal is not scheduled for completion until 2038.

The Daily Wire previously reported that Boston Chemical Data Corp. had published a report. The report found samples taken in August of “dangerous” alpha-radiation levels emitting co-mingled amounts of radium and thorium on the elementary school site. Samples that were taken included classrooms, the kitchen, and the library, in addition to outside fields and playgrounds.

“Radiological contamination in and around Coldwater Creek, prior to remediation activities, could have increased the risk of some types of cancer in people who played or lived there,” according to the report.


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