
Rubio Eases Aid Suspension With Waiver

Now that the Trump administration got the world’s attention by canceling ALL foreign aid, Secretary Rubio signed a waiver restoring emergency funding. It goes into effect immediately, since humanitarian officials were whining that “people will die” if their programs need to wait 90 day’s for full review.

Foreign aid waiver

Democrats went into total freak out mode when President Donald Trump officially suspended practically all foreign aid with the stroke of his pen. The only exceptions were for Israel and Egypt so they can help refugees from Gaza.

The order calls for a 90 day pause on funding. Recipients must convince Uncle Sam his pockets aren’t being picked. If they do, the checks will keep flowing. If not, they need to find another sugar daddy.

As soon as the executive order went into effect, Secretary of State Marco Rubio issued a “sweeping directive.

The hold was slapped on “nearly all U.S. aid” and “brought scores of programs” to a halt “from global health to emergency shelter to countertrafficking.” Everyone who’s been getting rich off the questionable package deals came unglued.

More than half a dozen humanitarian officials” called CNN to complain. The “unprecedented” scale of Trump’s order “left aid organizations scrambling as they struggle to get clear answers from the U.S. government.

They were getting clear answers, just didn’t want to hear them. They were clearly told to stop what they were doing until they can justify the expenditure.

Secretary Rubio signed a waiver restoring emergency foreign aid funding.

Outlined in a cable

The United Nations and World Economic Forum were totally stunned by “a diplomatic cable from Rubio on Friday.” On January 24, the instructions “called for immediate stop work orders on existing efforts, a suspension of the disbursement of funds, and a hold on future projects, pending a review.

There were only two aid waivers granted then. “It only specifically outlined emergency food assistance and foreign military financing for Israel and Egypt as exemptions.

Four days later, on January 28, Rubio eased things up a little. He issued another “temporary” waiver for existing “life-saving humanitarian assistance” programs, to include “core life-saving medicine, medical services, food, shelter, and subsistence assistance, as well as supplies and reasonable administrative costs.

Democrats went into total freak out mode.

Trump doesn’t want to chop off aid from legitimate programs, only the wasteful ones. We don’t need to pay for condoms sent to Gaza, for instance.

Overworked humanitarian officials working day and night in third-world nations are enjoying a little vacation. They’re happy to learn that they’ll get paid on time but since “they had not yet been officially informed of this waiver,” their work “remains paused.

The aid workers will go back in the trenches when word trickles down through channels. If anyone dies in the meantime, they’ll just blame it on President Trump.

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