
Pentagon Shock Move Has Entire Nation in Uproar

It’s no surprise that our progressively woke Pentagon would embrace open and rampant homosexuality in the military. Folks who believe that society is moving backwards don’t have far to look for proof. The devolution is on display everywhere. Thanks to social media, the younger generations quit writing in favor of hieroglyphic-like emojis. Why shouldn’t the military go “Greek?” It worked for the Spartans.

Pentagon sponsored drag queens

As the United States of America reaches out for the stars, a former lieutenant colonel in the Space Force was relieved of his command. He made the mistake of speaking out against new and improved Pentagon policies. He has a few choice things to say about the Navy’s latest recruitment strategy.

Matthew Lohmeier was relieved of his command in 2021, “after criticizing the rise of wokeness and critical race theory principles within the military.” When he got word about the latest debacle, showcasing drag performers as a recruiting tool, he came unglued and had to vent. Fox News was happy to listen.

Lohmeier once commanded the 11th Space Warning Squadron in Colorado. Commanders aren’t allowed to have personal opinions while they remain property of Uncle Sam. He dared to make comments on a podcast “critical of Marxism.” Now that he’s free to speak his mind, he told Fox “whenever the U.S. military makes the news, it is for items like the drag-themed recruitment videos.” The Pentagon is in almost as much trouble as the Biden family.

These days, the American people see this and think this has become our military.” He makes it clear that’s a Democrat illusion. “First and foremost, I think it’s important that I should say, and I fail to do this often enough – thank you to the good men and women who nobly serve our country in uniform every day of their lives – because they show up believing in the greatness of the American ideal and because they’re willing to lay their life on the line in defense of this country.

He’s not real happy with leadership in the Pentagon. He demands to know who our senior military leaders “think they’re appealing to in the recruiting process by hiring a drag queen as their digital ambassador.” They apparently didn’t see what happened to Anheuser-Busch when Bud Light went woke.

The Navy just appointed Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley who likes wearing frilly panties and showing them off onstage. He performs as “drag queen Harpy Daniels” and is the Navy’s new “digital ambassador.” They probably signed up the Village People, too. “Where can you find pleasure?” They used to sing, “In the Navy.

Cross-dressing sailors wanted

Yeoman Kelley “does not identify as a man or a woman” and the Pentagon is fine with that because the Navy “wants cross-dressing sailors manning their ships.” They’re having such a hard time finding anyone qualified to sign up in the first place. Most young Americans are overweight, on drugs and basically apathetic, thanks to the Department of Education.

Recruiters were forced to drop their standards and rather than admit more criminals they decided to target gays. At least they tend to be physically fit.

Those who don’t know the history of the Village People are reinventing the wheel with another “in the Navy” recruiting campaign. “If you don’t identify as a man or a woman, but are into the drag queen scene, join the Navy. That’s the message here. It’s not about your country. It’s not about teamwork. It’s not about the mission. It’s about you and your identity. You’re the star of the show.” So you’re afraid of water? The Pentagon asks. Get seasick even watchin’ it on the TV? No problem, You’ll love it.

So you’re afraid of guys who dress like girls? you’ll get over that, too. You might even learn to enjoy it. After all, it is a practical solution to a lot of shipboard personal needs. The Greeks were convinced that since women got in the way on the battlefield, which is where they spent most of their time, who really needed them anyway?

Lohmeir made it crystal clear that “episodes like this are not at all incentivizing men and women in uniform to remain in the service of their country.” That’s because the vast majority “believe in the Western nuclear family.” They’re forced to keep their traditional opinions to themselves but “don’t approve of drag queens, nor want their children exposed to them.

Senior Pentagon leaders “continue to push an agenda like this despite the fact that it’s hurting our recruiting efforts and it’s hurting our retention.” Xi Jinping just watches and gets his troops ready for the upcoming “re-unification” of Taiwan with the mainland.

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