
Package Bomb Explodes Leaving Body Parts Strewn Across the Parking Lot…

In a shocking turn of events, Stephen Beal, a 64-year old man from Southern California has been convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend with a package bomb in 2018.

The federal jury found him guilty on four charges – use of a weapon of mass destruction resulting in death, malicious destruction of a building resulting in death, use of a destructive device during and in relation to the crime of violence, and possession of an unregistered destructive device.

He could face up to life imprisonment when he is sentenced this November.

Beal was charged with killing Ildiko Krajnyak on May 15th 2018 using a homemade bomb that he had slipped into her Aliso Viejo spa.

Upon opening the box given to her by Beal after returning from Hungary where she had gone to visit family, the box exploded leaving Krajnyak dead and two clients knocked off their feet.

It was later revealed that Beal was jealous because Krajnyak had been seeing someone else after their 18 month relationship ended.

According to U.S attorney Martin Estrada, “Mr Beal was a jilted lover who wanted to obliterate his ex girlfriend after she sought to end their relationship”.

The investigation following the explosion revealed more than 130 pounds of explosive mixtures and precursor chemicals at Beal’s home leading investigators to believe he used his expertise in building rockets and explosives for this terrible act.

The verdict has left people feeling both outraged but satisfied as justice has finally been served for the victim and her family who have endured so much pain over these past few years since the horrific incident occurred.

This case highlights how extreme acts such as this can occur even between former lovers which should be seen as an example for people everywhere that actions like these will not go unpunished no matter what form it takes or who commits them.

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