
Nikki Haley Sounds the Alarm on Biden Campaign

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley sounded an alarm on Joe Biden‘s campaign over his desire to defund the police.

Haley Blasts Biden

Haley discussed the matter on “Hannity,” and talked about the atrocity the United States would become if the presumptive Democratic nominee wins in November. 

“If we go with a President Biden,” Haley cautioned, “we will lose our rule of law, we will have the progressives really running away with everything, getting all of what they want and we will get closer and closer to the socialist countries that we have fought so hard not to become.”

But when it comes to President Trump‘s tried and trusted leadership Haley said, “we’ve had true results with President Trump. You don’t have to like him, but look at the results that he’s done and [how he’s] raised the quality of life for so many people.”

Obama’s Legacy of Corruption is Called Out

She went further to discuss the train wreck of a presidency Obama had and how minority communities became worse off under his leadership. 

“Then look at the results of Biden with President Obama. The African-American community, women, Hispanics, none of us felt those results like we have with President Trump,” she continued. “So, facts matter. Results matter.

Haley’s comments came just a few hours after Biden was interviewed, saying funding should “absolutely” be withheld from police departments, Fox News reported. 

BLM is Criticized by Haley

As the former governor of South Carolina, Haley is used to dealing with various political controversies. In terms of the Black Lives Matter movement, she said they are “picking and choosing which lives really do matter.”

“Why don’t the Black police officers that have been shot or have been chastised, why don’t their lives matter? How about the Black store owner whose business burned down? His life matters,” she asked. “What about the families who are in threatening areas that need law enforcement to keep them safe? What about those six children that died [in shootings across America] over the weekend? Those Black lives matter. So why are we picking and choosing which ones matter?”

Taking the topic back to defunding police, Haley issues a warning: “I’m telling you if they want to turn into Venezuela, defund the police. At the U.N., I saw what made America special and what separated us from other countries was the rule of law. It’s what allows us quality of life. It’s what allows us our freedom.”

Nikki’s Sketchy Track Record

To be fair, Haley does not have the best track record when it comes to sounding alarms. 

The latest example occurred a few weeks ago when Haley took to Twitter to weigh in and stand with Bubba Wallace before the evidence was known.

Well, it turns out the Wallace made false claims about someone putting a noose in his garage. Not the best quality exhibited by Haley. 

Overall, there are alarm bells like crazy going off in terms of Biden’s campaign. His weakened mental state, long-winded disastrous political career, and anti-American policies are hopefully enough to steer any moderately mentally-sound person away from voting for such a radical. 

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