
Dan Crenshaw Shows His True Colors, Steps into RINO Territory

Rep. Dan Crenshaw has been shown to be a hardcore RINO for quite a while now, and he is living up to the stigma that he is an anti-Trump swamp creature. 

Crenshaw Shows True Colors… Again

Another extreme RINO, Rep. Liz Cheney from Wyoming, announced she would vote to impeach President Donald Trump. To this, Crenshaw, who is a “Republican” Representative from Texas, jumped on the bandwagon.

He jumped to Cheney’s defense after conservative lawmakers criticized her coup attempt against the president.

“We can disagree without tearing each other apart,” tweeted the former Navy SEAL.

His full tweet reads:

“Let’s get some truth on the record: @Liz_Cheney has a hell of a lot more backbone than most, & is a principled leader with a fierce intellect. She will continue to be a much-needed leader in the conference, with my full support.

“We can disagree without tearing each other apart.”

In response to some conservative lawmakers calling for her to step down because she does not support the majority’s viewpoints, she responded harshly.

“I’m not going anywhere. This is a vote of conscience. It’s one where there are different views in our conference.”

Red State reported on the backlash:

So how did Crenshaw’s support of Cheney’s right to vote to impeach Trump — based on her “conscience,” she said, although Crenshaw disagreed with her vote — play among staunch supporters of President Trump? Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is a good place to start.

Gaetz, who forcefully and emotionally called out the sheer hypocrisy of House Democrats during Impeaching Hearing Charade 2.0 on Wednesday was not happy with Crenshaw for defending Cheney.

“With all due respect to Rep. Crenshaw,” Gaetz tweeted, “this is a minority view within the minority party.”

When will RINOs like Crenshaw and Cheney be exiled from the Republican Party? Probably never which is why many conservatives are wanting to move to a new forming party being referred to as the Patriot Party.

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