It appears that National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan has a controversial connection to Hunter Biden. They “served together on the board of the Truman National Security Project.” Since you probably never heard of it, Fox News explains that it’s “a liberal foreign policy think tank.” They were palling around together “for roughly two years before Sullivan joined the president’s campaign in 2020.”
Connection to Bidens and China
Having a connection to Hunter Biden isn’t real great for your political career. With this latest round of controversial headlines featuring his name, Joe Biden’s favorite national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, will be making extra certain his personal security detail is alert and attentive.
Last week he made the news because his Secret Service bodyguards allowed an unknown and allegedly intoxicated person to simply wander in through the door, at 3:00 a.m. Thankfully, the intruder left when asked politely. He’s never been seen since and police don’t have a chance of finding him.
Hunter Biden was the first one serving on the board of the Truman National Security Project. He landed there in 2012. The connection to Sullivan began in 2017 and lasted into early 2019.
Hunter Biden and Jake Sullivan, served together on the board of the Truman National Security Project, a liberal foreign policy think tank, for roughly two years before Sullivan joined the president’s campaign in 2020.
— Karli Bonne’ (@KarliBonnita) May 20, 2023
Nobody would know about that except Fox had a staffer poke around in the internet Wayback Machine. Not much that goes on the internet once ever really goes away.
While Hunter was getting paid who knows how much for his gig at Truman, he was also getting paid a cool million a year for doing nothing in Ukraine. That was also the time his connection with Sullivan was active.
Hunter was “serving on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings and the Chinese private equity fund BHR Partners. The federal investigation into Hunter’s foreign business dealings, which is still ongoing, also launched during the same time frame in 2018.”
Under Obama, too
Before Sullivan made his connection to Hunter at Truman, he “served as then-Vice President Biden’s national security adviser in the Obama administration.” He followed Joe around like a puppy dog, traveling “to multiple countries with the elder Biden, including China.” In fact, “Sullivan was on the same infamous Asia trip where Hunter Biden and his daughter accompanied then-Vice President Biden on Air Force Two.” That was criticized because “during the China portion of the trip, Hunter arranged a brief handshake in the U.S. delegation’s hotel lobby between his father and Jonathan Li, Hunter’s Chinese business partner who ran the Chinese private-equity fund Bohai Capital.”
Two weeks later, “BHR Partners was registered.” That’s why James Comer is working through that huge stack of suspicious activity reports they pried out of the Treasury department. They’ve only seen about 5 of them so far and found two separate million dollar Biden splits to practically every member of the family except the pets.
That isn’t the only shady connection Jake Sullivan has in his closet full of skeletons. He “also had multiple roles with Hillary Clinton, including chief foreign policy adviser during her failed 2016 presidential campaign and deputy chief of staff when she was secretary of state, where he traveled to 112 countries with her.”
In addition, their "Board of Advisors" at The Truman National Security Project has had unbiased people like Madeleine Albright, John Podesta, William Marshall, and William Perry.
— Truth Ninja (@TruthNinja316) April 13, 2023
Between what just came out of the Durham investigation on the 2016 election, which also revealed buried Clinton Foundation investigations, that’s some really interesting information. Stuff that several House watchdog committees will be sending him subpoenas about soon.
Things aren’t going to look real hopeful for his future. If he manages to keep his freedom, he’ll probably end up tending a Starbucks. His connection to Russiagate looks like it might be criminal. “During the Clinton campaign, Sullivan notoriously pushed the Trump-Russia collusion narrative to reporters.” He fed them what Hillary wanted them to hear in small, easy to swallow soundbites.
“Basically we sat with them and walked through what we understood to be the case from — in terms of the DNC hack and leak, what we believed to be the case with respect to Russian involvement.” That was probably an inside job. The armchair Cozy Bear Clue game says Imran Awan in the DNC offices with an Ubuntu Boot Flash. “And then what we thought the upshot of this was, which is you now have the start of a much more aggressive phase of an intelligence-led operation by foreign power, and there’s likely to be more as we go forward, and people should really pay attention to this.” Like that big letter from 51 of his spooky colleagues in the CIA that turned out to be illegal election interference.