Hillary Clinton was the big leverage used to force election influencing Twitter censorship. The latest earth-shattering revelation to come out in the Twitter Files exposes fierce Democrat pressure which “pushed” the platform “into the arms of the FBI.”
Hillary changed everything
As part of his Twitter Files exposé work, journalist Matt Taibbi uncovered an incontrovertible connection to Hillary Clinton. Her political weight did the trick to break Twitter’s opposition to illegal censorship.
As Taibbi explains, Twitter honchos were under “stress” in 2017, “following calls from Democrats for social media companies to crack down on Russian misinformation.”
Email evidence confirms that “the company was initially focusing on passing any blame to Facebook, touting that Twitter had only a few accounts with ‘suspected Russian origin.‘”
NEW: @ElonMusk's @Twitter files further confirm Democratic Party opposition to the First Amendment because free speech hurt political prospects of corrupt Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Dems want censorship to protect their leaders…. https://t.co/SZ9YGXUwIg
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 3, 2022
They were right on that and knew it. As Daily Mail reports, “everything changed, however, when Hillary Clinton called for the company to take the issue seriously.” Instantly, Twitter Public Policy Vice President Colin Crowell messaged then-CEO Jack Dorsey “about the growing push from the left.”
She was doing more than plugging her latest book. “Democrats also taking cues from Hillary Clinton, who in her ‘What Happened‘ book tour is pointedly talking about [the] role of Russian propaganda and dirty tricks that were pushed through social media had in her demise, Crowell wrote.”
She didn’t even have to spell it out, just hint. Crowell didn’t want to end up “suicided.”
Russian task force
Only days following Hillary Clinton’s hints, “Twitter formed its Russian Task Force.” They sprang into action and sorted through years of posts with a fine toothed comb.
After all that, they were “only able to find three accounts directly connected with Russia, two of which were actually tied to Russia Today, a state-owned news network.” That’s hardly widespread “disinformation.”
Hillary was still furious about how “Russian misinformation on social media played a key role to her loss against Donald Trump in 2016.” At first, Twitter tried to ignore her subtle innuendo at book signings.
No surprises. https://t.co/xlfbnZizVP
— Scott (@Scott208769) January 5, 2023
“Although Twitter paid no mind at first, it was soon forced to conduct its own investigation, with the findings repeatedly showing ‘no evidence of a coordinated approach‘ from Russia.” Not finding anything wasn’t good enough. The real problem was elsewhere. “Twitter is not the focus of inquiry into Russian election meddling right now – the spotlight is on FB” Crowell wrote.
According to Taibbi, “the tipping point came when Clinton herself pushed for greater scrutiny on Twitter.” All Hillary had to do was tell reporters following her book tour that “it’s time for Twitter to stop dragging its heels and live up to the fact that its platform is being used as a tool for cyber-warfare.”
That was the beginning of a major transformation where Twitter ended up as a “subsidiary” of the FBI. Even the 80 dedicated censorship agents are only the tip of the iceberg. Every alphabet agency on the books was sending in censorship requests.