biden looking confused

Biden Campaign Breaking Campaign Finance Laws: REPORT

Some people are getting very suspicious about the Biden campaign circumventing campaign finance rules.

This all got stirred up because of a recent report in Politico.

If the sleuths are correct, the Biden campaign is purposely leaking information in the media to direct PACs on how to attack Trump.

The Report

In case you are unaware, PACs are prohibited from communicating directly with campaigns.

This is what made the Politico report so suspicious.

In the report, it appeared that a Biden campaign insider was giving Politico insider campaign information so the PACs could take advantage of it.

An anonymous campaign staffer told Politico, “We’ve seen in polling since the conviction that the more the conviction is front and center in voters’ attention, the worse it is for Trump.”

All of a sudden, the attacks against Trump by PACs started to focus on the convicted felon angle.

Politico later quoted a PAC co-founder, Matt Bennett, who referred to the polling data that had been supplied, stating, “What the polling clearly shows is there is a group of voters for whom the convictions matter and … it is the voters who are going to decide the election.”

So, clearly, the PAC got the message, as all focus right now is on Trump being convicted.

Now, if you recall, the Trump campaign was accused of the same thing during the 2020 campaign, and the media went berserk.

They stated that Trump was making social media posts more or less giving orders to the PACs on how to attack Joe Biden.

Let’s see how it is received now that the media appears complicit in violating the FEC rules.

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