
Viral Clip of Wide-Eyed 5-Year-Olds Forced to March, Chant for BLM

A horrifying video from a school in Washington D.C. shows a line of kindergarten students being forced to march in a line and chant “black lives matter.” The Lowell School, a private school that charges almost $40,000 for kindergarten, is flaunting its commitment to brainwashing young children with the official Black Lives Matter platform. The repulsive scene may be a sign of things to come if the left wins the fight for America’s schools.

A demonstration of the importance of banning CRT

Students at the Lowell School certainly aren’t suffering from the “censorship” imposed by Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin and other Republicans who have tried to ban Marxist indoctrination in public schools.

Wealthy parents in the D.C. area send their children to the private school to experience a curriculum which embraces critical race theory by focusing primarily on slavery and the holocaust, rather than the positive or even neutral facts of American history.

Children of all ages are subjected to lessons sourced directly from the official Black Lives Matter organization and the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center.

First grade students are taught that they must embrace this indoctrination to become “heroes.” Seventh grade students are told that the United States enforces a caste system.

If this were the case, one would assume that the people sending their children to a $40,000 kindergarten are probably near the top of that system.

Of course, the lesson is actually that the school’s black students are forced by racist American society to live at the bottom of the caste system (despite their $40,000 kindergartens) while the white students are unjustly placed at the top.

Children forced to pledge allegiance to BLM

How does the Lowell School propose to right this wrong then? By inverting the caste system, of course. The disgusting video posted on the school’s own social media shows that this is being accomplished by teaching white children to hate themselves as early as possible.

The kindergarten students in the video seem to have no idea what they are chanting (and why would they) but the damage is obviously being done.

Students at the school are being taught that pledging allegiance to BLM is as natural and right as pledging allegiance to the American flag like decades of schoolchildren have.

What other horrors might the manipulative teachers and administrators be subjecting these children to while telling them that everything is perfectly normal?

The BLM program being taught by the school teaches that the nuclear family must be dismantled, among other Marxist proposals.

What kind of parent would choose to pay tens of thousands of dollars to have their child forced to chant a Marxist slogan in such a humiliating fashion, to then  be posted online?

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