Pregnant Woman Kicked Out of Restaurant…Can You SEE Why

A Washington woman has been kicked out of a local restaurant because she was showing too much skin. Too much pregnant belly skin.

Charisha Raylee Gobin went out for what she thought was a normal night out to eat at the Buzz Inn Steakhouse, only to be turned away because she was told her outfit violated the restaurant’s no shoes, no shirt, no service policy.

In this digital age, Gobin took out her frustration by taking a photo of her outfit outside the eatery and posting it on Facebook.

“I was just denied service at the Buzz Inn on State Avenue in Marysville for my outfit,” she wrote. “I’m violating the health code,” she explained. The sentence was followed by a series of middle finger emojis.

A woman being denied service because of what she was wearing? Not only is that sexist, but it’s doubtful that a non-pregnant woman wearing the same crop top would be denied service.

Gobin wasn’t even feeling up to going out to dinner but her mother and sister both wanted to have a little fun. So she decided to “suck it up and be their driver.” However, once Gobin, who is pregnant with twins, arrived at the restaurant, things got heated.

Allegedly, a waitress simply told her to leave. The server cited a health code violation as the reason. After Gobin’s Facebook post quickly began to go viral, the restaurant issued a statement, apologizing:

“We sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding and will cover with all staff as to how to not overly enforce a rule that is intended to make all guests feel comfortable. The server in question has been with our company and a great employee for almost 20 years and was trying to use her best judgement and by no means was trying to be demeaning to the guest. Again our sincere apology for misunderstanding.”

Gobin wound up dining elsewhere.

Local news report on the incident below:

Sources: OpposingViews, The Daily Dot


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