
Medical Report Offers WORRYING Stats on Children

A new medical report shows that “chest reconstruction surgeries” or “gender affirming” ‘top surgery” performed on minors across the United States increased by approximately 400% during a three-year span.

The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), an international peer-reviewed medical journal, published that researchers from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, reported that 1130 chest mutilating surgeries were performed on children younger than 18 years old from 2016 to 2019, according to The Daily Wire.

The study read in part, “A weighted estimate of 1130 encounters (1114 [98.6%] masculinizing and 16 [1.4%] feminizing) for chest reconstruction were included. Between 2016 and 2019, the annual number of gender-affirming chest surgeries increased by 389%”

“To our knowledge, this study is the largest investigation to date of gender-affirming chest reconstruction in a pediatric population,” the study noted. “The results demonstrate substantial increases in gender-affirming chest reconstruction for adolescents.”

The report further stated, “reconstructive genital surgery is typically not performed in adolescents, but masculinizing chest reconstruction (e.g., mastectomy) and feminizing chest reconstruction (e.g., augmentation mammaplasty) may be performed in outpatient and ambulatory surgery settings.”

According to the report, Psychiatric disorders were the most common comorbidities for the patients, but only 21.1% of them had anxiety and 16.2% had depression. Only 19.9% of the adolescents who underwent “chest reconstruction” used “gender-affirming” hormones.

The JAMA Pediatrics study claimed at least 35 state legislatures have introduced more than 100 new bills that limit or prohibit access to what they call “medically necessary gender-affirming care for transgender and gender-diverse youth, resulting in poor mental and physical health outcomes,” the study cites that approximately 300,000 adolescents between 13 and 17 years of age identify as transgender.

According to the study, the surgeries were overwhelmingly mastectomies performed on otherwise healthy, white, girls from upper-middle-class families making over $80k annually.

The average age for “gender-affirming” chest reconstruction was 16, with some patients as young as 12.

Bill Maher took a ton of heat in May for pointing out the fact that the recent “spike” in transgender people rather than being consistent across the country is spiking in California and not in Ohio.

His question raised a very uncomfortable truth: so-called “transgenderism” is behaving less like a biological demographic trend, and more like a fad.

With that information on the regionality of the phenomenon in one hand and the knowledge from the JAMA Pediatrics report showing that “gender-affirming” so-called “top surgeries” are overwhelmingly mastectomies performed on otherwise healthy, white, girls from upper-middle-class families making over $80k annually.

Why is the phenomenon seemingly isolated to the social “trend-setter” group that is equally responsible for the prominence of boy-bands, belly-button piercings and valley-girl speech?

If we were truly dealing with a biological phenomenon:

  • Wouldn’t it cut across racial, gender, regional and social demographics?
  • Why would income be such a determining factor?
    • Is it because the surgery is expensive and incredibly lucrative for unscrupulous medical professionals?
  • Why is it that 98.6% of the surgeries are to remove a girl’s breasts and only 1.4% are adding false breasts to young men?
  • Why is it that only 21.1% of patients had anxiety and 16.2% had depression, the typical comorbidities, hallmarks ever of “gender dysphoria.”

And all the more disturbingly: Why in the world is this mutilation being performed on children as young as 12!?!?!?

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