Reports from Charles Lehman put information behind what all of us already understand to be true. It’s now officially proven: the media amp up racial violence committed by whites and minimize it when the criminal is a minority.
That report was posted on April 14th, the day after police arrested the black nationalist who assassinated thirteen innocent people in a Brooklyn train station. His race– and his proclaimed bigotry against Jews and whites– were either left out of media reports totally or explained in an anodyne method. The New York Times explained he possessed “harshly bigoted views”– but against whom, they refused to say.
Soon after came the release of video from a Police-involved shooting in Grand Rapids, Mich., an event with a white “wrongdoer” and a black victim. Video reveals 26-year-old Patrick Lyoya getting away from the unknown officer prior to getting for the officer’s taser. The two struggled on the ground prior to the officer fatally shooting Lyoya.
The occurrence ended up being the topic of wall-to-wall news protection, with the New York Times, the Washington Post, and CNN describing Lyoya as an “unarmed Black man”– although he had actually taken the police officer’s taser.
Crump pressed his claim on air with MSNBC’s racial agitator Al Sharpton, who is set to provide the eulogy this week. (The press obviously does not utilize pompous fact-checking provisions like “claimed without evidence” unless it’s President Donald Trump or one of his allies who’s doing the talking.).
“When you have an individual … trying to take control—or has control—of the officer’s equipment, especially a taser, then lethal force is the next level above a taser,” Barksdale told CNN. “The test is, what would a reasonable officer do? The issues with the taser, I could see lethal force being used by this officer.”
The hysterical media coverage of the unfortunate incident is undoubtedly being taken in by the next train shooter out there, whose bigoted, hateful motives will then be dutifully buried in paragraph 21 of the New York Times report on the catastrophe if they get a reference at all.
H/T The Washington Free Beacon, The Post Millennial