
Lin Wood Goes Off the Deep End, Calls for the Execution of Mike Pence

Either Lin Wood has something up his sleeve, lost his mind, is a deep state mole, or has been smoking more crack than Hunter Biden. On social media he advocated putting Mike Pence in front of a firing squad. One day soon, America will find out which. A lot is at stake on Wednesday, when both houses of Congress decide to either uphold the Constitution or sell their souls to the Deep State.

Lin Wood insists he’s not nuts

Allegedly conservative lawyer, L. Lin Wood, is brushing off questions about his sanity after he tweeted out that Vice President Mike Pence “should face a firing squad.”

He’s already filed a few election challenges which went down in flames. He also works closely with Trump defending attorney Sidney Powell and her pet Kraken. Conservative Americans who watch the drama and try to make some sort of sense out of it all are scratching their heads. Wondering what kind of Kraken they’ve been smoking.

Wood typed out a lengthy rant about “how those who believe the election was stolen have focused on Democrats, the CIA, and globalists.”

RINO’s and Deep State moles are just as devastating, as the lawyer points out. “one of the main participants” were Republicans who allow the corruption to continue.”

“That’s about when he started hallucinating. He actually dared to call for big name Republicans and a conservative-leaning judge to be arrested. “When arrests for treason begin, put Chief Justice John Roberts, VP Mike Pence, and Mitch McConnell at top of the list.”

Americans pretty much agree with Lin Wood that Mitch McConnell has sold out the Constitution. There seems to be some substantial evidence that John Roberts hung out on Orgy Island with Jeffrey Epstein and enjoyed the pre-teen harem.

How did Mike Pence make the list

Roberts and McConnell are both valid targets for Wood but Pence seems to be taking some undeserved heat. At one point in a conversation that developed in the thread, the attorney tapped out “If Pence is arrested, Pompeo will save the election.”

“Pence will be in jail awaiting trial for treason. He will face execution by firing squad. He is a coward and will sing like a bird and confess ALL.”

When folks said he lost his mind, Wood brushed it off. “The tweets about my insanity are at an all-time high this morning. Wonder why? No worries. I am fine. The attacks do not concern me.”

They may not concern him but Americans are wondering why, if he has something to back that up, he isn’t sharing it.

The only thing that the public has been able to figure out on the subject is that Pence squashed a frivolous but well intentioned lawsuit filed by Texas Republican Louie Gohmert.

That suit was properly dismissed but the judge left the door open for it to be refiled on stronger grounds. Or, maybe Lin Wood knows something that hasn’t been revealed.

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