John Kirby is one of the top spokespeople in this administration.
He has been able to spin just about everything, but not this time.
Peter Doocy had him tripping over himself.
It has been revealed that some of the documents found in Biden’s office had SCIF markings on them.
A SCIF is a sensitive compartmented information facility.
When documents have these markings, they are only to be read in a SCIF and not removed.
Yet, at least six years after the fact, Biden still had these documents in hand.
Doocy asked Kirby about the process, and he went through it in complete detail.
Then Doocy asked him what happens if you somehow leave with the documents, which would be virtually impossible.
Kirby responded, “I think if you do it inadvertently or you do it and you realize, you know, you don’t have it secured in a locked bag, you know — you self-report, which is exactly what the president did: self-reported.”
Actually, Joe Biden did not self-report.
The documents were taken, then turned over by Biden’s attorneys who were cleaning up his mess six years later.
Source: The Blaze