
If THIS is True…Trump Just Won Georgia

As the battle for the presidential election rages on, the big news is coming from the battleground state of Georgia. 

Big Voter Fraud Revelation in Georgia

Tens of thousands of votes were found to be fraudulent and who were these votes for? No other than the Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

23,000 votes are ineligible to count which if these ballots are removed, President Donald Trump will win the state. So will Republicans receive justice or will corruption prevail?

A video that has been circulating shows a large batch of fraudulent ballots all in favor of Biden. While Democrats and the fake news mainstream media are saying that Biden is leading Trump by around 10,000 votes in Georgia.

Trump Still Fighting

President Trump recently said, “We overturn the results in Georgia then everything else will fall into place.” President Trump’s legal team and independent attorney Sidney Powell are working hard to expose the widespread voter fraud.

Expert analysis has determined that a batch of 23,487 votes in Georgia are fraudulent. Edison’s data analysis says that 98% of the votes went to Biden, which is statistically impossible.

This game-changing revelation comes just days after Susan Voyles, a poll manager in Georgia with 20 years of experience handling ballots, testified about the possibly fraudulent ballots she encountered.

Her claims include that most every ballot shows signs of handling such as written marks or wrinkled edges. However, the fraudulent ballots look pristine.

“It was pristine. There was a difference in the texture of the paper. It was if they were intended for absentee use, but had not been used for that purpose,” Voyles testified. “There were no markings on the ballots to show where they had come from, or where they had been processed.”

Details Mount Against Biden

Thousands of pristine ballots with no creases, perfectly filled in and all going to one candidate, Joe Biden. This is more than extremely suspicious before, but now it matches up perfectly with the statistically impossible surge of votes for Biden.

In the early morning of the November 3 election, President Trump was leading in Georgia by more than 100,000 votes. All of a sudden Biden votes surged which was just enough for him to take the lead.

Will justice prevail? Only time will tell.

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