GOP Files Lawsuit, ALL Ballots to Be IMPOUNDED

GOP Files Lawsuit, ALL Ballots to Be IMPOUNDED

The New Mexico GOP has filed a lawsuit in the Second Judicial District Court requesting that all ballots from the 2020 election in Bernalillo County be impounded.

The Republican Party of New Mexico asked Congressional candidate Michelle Garcia Holmes to submit the petition, as the law of the state allows candidates the right to “have authorities impound tally sheets, registration certificates, paper ballots, absentee ballots, statements of canvass, absentee ballot applications and absentee ballot registers,” according to the RPNM.

Holmes and the GOP want to have all of the ballots checked, and are asking the Court to examine the attributes of the ballots cast in the recent election.

According to the lawsuit, they are asking the court to impound ballots in 70 Election Day voting centers, 17 early alternative voting locations, and 88 absentee voter precincts.

“There are questions that still persist in this election that involve election integrity, and we must look closely at what happened here in New Mexico,” said Chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico, Steve Pearce.

The New Mexico GOP financed the lawsuit, and is reportedly considering requesting to have ballots impounded in other counties within the state.

Many on the right are concerned about the unprecedented level of mail-in voting that occurred in the state, which saw a record high of 928,230 ballots cast.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver, New Mexico’s Secretary of State, has claimed that there were multiple levels of checks to ensure accuracy in the process of ballot counting, and has defended the integrity of the 2020 election on multiple occasions.

The mainstream media is once again refusing to report on this, as the news outlets are already working hard to avoid allowing the American people to hear about reports of voter fraud or irregularities in the 2020 election.

Here is the full press release from the Republican Party of New Mexico:

GOP Files Lawsuit, ALL Ballots to Be IMPOUNDED

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