Homeland Security Issues WARNING About Left Wing TERRORISTS

Homeland Security Issues WARNING About Left Wing TERRORISTS

The Department of Homeland Security has issued a warning about possible “ideologically motivated violence” and foreign interference ahead of the upcoming Georgia Senate runoff elections on January 5.

A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo from just before Christmas was obtained by Yahoo News. The memo outlines concerns about security in the Georgia elections, which will determine whether Democrats take control of both houses of Congress, or Republicans maintain their slim majority in the Senate.

“The Dec. 22 report, marked for official use only, says Georgia faces a ‘potentially heightened physical threat environment’ that could drive violence or threats of violence similar to those seen nationwide during the 2020 presidential and state election season. Incidents of violence in or near the state capitol in Atlanta, courts and other ‘symbolic political institutions’ could also negatively affect elected officials or election workers in Georgia,” the outlet reported.

“We further judge that violent extremists or other actors could quickly mobilize to violence or generate violent disruptions of otherwise lawful protests in response to a range of issues,” the report notes.

Yahoo also added that “the agency based its judgments on a review of national and local media coverage, relevant social media postings, state law enforcement officials detailing ‘ideologically motivated violence or threats of violence’ and several other ‘election violence assessments’ it ‘made over the past six months.’”

The report also discusses “threats made this month against individuals involved in Georgia’s audit and subsequent recount of votes cast in the presidential election, per local and national media coverage and law enforcement,” per Yahoo.

A senior communications director for the Republican National Committee suggested during an interview with Fox News that the DHS is concerned about left-wing agitators.

The Georgia Senate runoffs are a little over a week away, and polling shows that both races are very close. Both parties are spending millions to win this race. If Republicans maintain their control of both Senate seats, they have a fighting chance of preventing Joe Biden’s agenda from being enacted, should he become president.

The current balance of the Senate is 50 Republicans and 48 Democrats. If Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock win both races, the vice president becomes the tie breaker.

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