He Got The Vaccine, Then He Died Of A Sickening Blood Clot On The Brain!

While Biden’s health officials continue to assert that the experimental COVID vaccine is safe and effective, another individual has tragically died from it.

Jack Last became the latest victim of the COVID vaccine after he received the AstraZeneca viral vector shot on March 30, 2021. Not long after did he have to check into A&E at West Suffolk Hospital for excruciating headaches, on April 9.

When his condition continued to worsen, doctors were forced to transfer him to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. However, sadly nothing could be done to save the “it and healthy” young man, as described by his family, and he passed away on April 20.

An “inquest” has been launched into Last’s death, as he had died from blood clots discovered in his brain, something that has occurred with almost every experimental viral vector victim. The Medical Healthcare Products and Regulatory Agency (MHRA) only admitted last week that the risk factor for “rare” blood clots has doubled.

‘The Independent’ has more details of this tragic COVID vaccine-related death:

Mr. Last, from Stowmarket, Suffolk , enjoyed canyoning and bungee jumping and was previously described as “fit as ever”.

His sister Jasmine Last said the family had instructed solicitors to lead inquest proceedings on their behalf.

Last year, Ms. Last said she believed her brother’s death was linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine.

She told a reporter: “We’re waiting for the post-mortem results and the inquest date to be confirmed – but we do believe that his death was linked to the vaccine.

“It was very unusual for Jack to feel unwell at all. To my knowledge, he had never had a day off work due to illness.”

The inquest, at Suffolk Coroners’ Court, was adjourned pending a pre-inquest review.

Our friends from The Gateway Pundit previously reported a similar case:

A 26-year-old graduate from Coventry University died from a blood clot on his brain after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. An inquest heard that the automotive design graduate was given out-of-date information about the risks of blood clots.

Jack Hurn, from Redditch, died in June last year, less than two weeks after receiving the jab at a vaccine hub in Dudley, county of West Midlands, England.

Hurn’s girlfriend, who also took the vaccine, claimed that the medical staff reassured them that the vaccine was safe. The couple asked the staff for an alternative vaccine as they were “aware of concerns around the use of AstraZeneca for younger people,” but they were told no other vaccines were available, the lawyers said.

Now, these monsters want to give their deadly vaccine to healthy toddlers who have no risk of serious harm from the COVID virus.

You really cannot adequately describe this sort of evil.

Considering these deaths, it makes absolutely zero sense that the government is so determined to have us take the COVID shot. Regardless, stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.

Sources: TheGatewayPundit, BBC, The Independent


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