Fox News

Fox News Does it AGAIN…Silences and Cancels Well Respected Conservative

In a very shocking turn of events, fox news has canceled Judge Jeanine for being an avid supporter of our commander and chief Donald J Trump and for speaking out against clear voter fraud happening right now here in the United States.

Fans are bewildered to see such a long standing conservative silenced by the very network that was once the ‘go-to’ place for republicans and conservatives to get their daily dose of news.

Judge Jeanine is very well respected within the Republican community. Mrs Jeanine is smart, and sharp as an axe when it comes to talking points that resonate with conservatives and Republicans.

This is not the first time Fox news has moved against conservative voices. They have in the recent years removed several strong voices and replaced them with Democrats/ Liberals like Donna Brazile.

Brazile is the disgraced former DNC Chair who was caught feeding debate questions to Hillary Clinton during the 2016 elections.

Notice in the video she is on the liberal show ‘The View’ where they soft pitch the question of if Donna did in fact feed questions to Hillary Clinton.

Mrs Brazile side steps like most democrats do, and placed the blame on none other than John Podesta. This is typical of Democrats and we see this sort of activity constantly.

If you do not remember who Podesta is, he was the White House Chief of Staff for Bill Clinton from 1998-2001, he then went on to become Counselor to President Barack Obama 2014-2015. Before that he served in the Clinton administration as White House Secretary from 1993-1995.

I won’t go into the scandals that swirl around Mr Podesta, but if you would like to dig into the HRC emails and the sick, twisted things these Democrats have done through the years. You can find the email dumps here on Wikileaks website

Our very existence as Republicans and Conservatives is under constant attack by tech giants, main stream media, and the left. It is more important now than ever that we band together and refuse to be silenced.

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