
Comer Makes Garland and DOJ Look Like Fools

Conservative watchdog James Comer is on the hunt for some Joe Biden crime related records. These ones aren’t under Merrick Garland’s oppressive thumb. The polite request went out to former Serbian politician and United Nations General Assembly president Vuk Jeremic on Tuesday. If he doesn’t hand them over promptly, a subpoena will be next. It’s frustrating to Americans that there haven’t been any earthshaking results from the Republican oversight, yet. That’s because the ball of snow is only beginning to roll. It’s expected to soon turn into an overwhelming avalanche, burying Democrat criminals in their own evidence.

Biden family business records

On Tuesday, February 21, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer went around Merrick Garland and the Just Us Department to request records from Vuk Jeremic directly. It seems that the former U.N. General Assembly President has some documents which can be used as evidence against Joe Biden over his family “business dealings involving Patrick Ho.” You may remember Ho from his role in “generating wealth” for the Bidens.

There were emails about all the insider trading with the Chinese Communist Party using energy company CEFC. Garland isn’t happy to be left out of this loop. Biden’s chief of secret police thought he could thumb his nose at the committee personally. They sent him a request to appear, he threatened to ignore it, then decided that maybe he should show up and testify after all. Garland confirmed he’ll be at his own scheduled hearing.

As Jeremic is well aware, Ho “was convicted on international bribery charges by the Department of Justice during the Trump administration.” That means, Comer explains, that “Vuk Jeremic is a key witness in our investigation of Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s international and domestic business schemes.” He’s already been helpful. Now, it’s time for the hard evidence contained in business records to be sorted through.

Mr. Jeremic’s previous testimony regarding business relationships with officials who participated in international bribery schemes raises red flags that there may be evidence showing the Biden family and associates peddled influence and attempted to sell access, including to individuals connected to the Chinese Communist Party.

Obviously, that would not be good for national security. If Joe Biden “is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries, this is a clear threat to national security.

That’s why “the Oversight Committee is committed to bringing transparency and accountability to the waste, fraud and abuse that has taken place at the highest levels of government.” Jeremic’s records are “crucial to this investigation.

He said so in court

Jeremic and his lawyers will have a real hard time denying that he has relevant documents that evidence Biden family crimes. Comer suggested that the former official “review” what he said in testimony under oath for the federal criminal prosecution of United States v. Patrick Ho. His testimony and other documents show that Jeremic has “records and information related to the Biden family’s foreign business dealings.

During the big trial, Jeremic “testified that CEFC paid you hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to act as a ‘consultant,‘ and in turn, you would ‘open doors‘ by introducing CEFC employees to business and political leaders in various countries.” Like Hunter Biden in December 2015.

Comer also reminded in his request for records that the “defendant in that prosecution,” Ho, was “convicted of international bribery and money laundering in 2018.” At the time, he was “head of China Energy’s U.S.-based operation.” In case Jeremic or his lawyers weren’t aware, Comer spelled out that “CEFC – now state-owned by the Chinese Communist Party – approached the Biden family to expand its energy portfolio in the United States.

That’s exactly why the committee “requests you schedule a transcribed interview with Committee staff and produce certain documents related to CEFC, Robert Hunter Biden, James Biden, and their business associates.” That’s because “Evidence shows that you developed a business relationship with Hunter Biden and his associates and communicated with them about Chairman Ye and CEFC.

That “transcribed interview” phrase is the really scary part. This isn’t one of those typical sessions where someone gets hauled in front of the bipartisan committee for all the politicians to get their soundbites on record. This is more like a legal deposition. Comer won’t be asking the questions and Democrats won’t be there to deflect the hard ones.

Jeremic and his lawyers will be locked in a conference room with professional interrogators, going through the records line-by-line and asking what was going on there? It will be grueling and more importantly, produce real results. “During the trial, you testified regarding your business relationships with certain CEFC officials, including Chairman Ye Jianming (Chairman Ye) and Patrick Ho, both of whom had connections to the Chinese Communist Party. After Patrick Ho was arrested, reports indicate that the Chinese government also detained Chairman Ye for violating Chinese bribery laws.

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