
Feds Make Their Move in On Black Militia Leader

Federal officers do not like having rifles aimed directly at them. Especially not by the leader of a Black Militia group. They would be just as unhappy with one of the Boogie Boys but it was “Grand Master Jay” with the “Not F-ing Around Coalition” who was hauled off to court in handcuffs.

Real Militia don’t do that

The Black Panther wannabes who call themselves the Not F-ing Around coalition also claim to be a “militia” group. The Second Amendment guarantees the right to “bear” arms, not point them at cops.

John Fitzgerald Johnson, a.k.a. Grand Master Jay was charged on federal counts related to pointing long guns at police officers in September. He brought a unit of his troops to protest the Breonna Taylor shooting.

Back on September 4, the militia members were assembled at the Jefferson County Courthouse and Johnson was caught on video as he “pointed long guns at officers who were present conducting crowd control.”

As spelled out in the court paperwork, Grand Master Jay “forcibly assaulted, resisted, opposed, impeded, intimidated, and interfered with federally deputized task force officers while they were engaged in or on account of the performance of official duties, when Johnson aimed/brandished an AR platform rifle at them.” Legitimate law enforcement frowns on that.

It makes a huge difference that at the time, the federal police officers were threatened “while they were at the Jefferson County Grand Jury Building.” Along with local police, the federal troops were “positioned as an overwatch on the eastern edge looking down on Armory Place.”

Followers of his antics wonder if he is suicidal. This is the same Black militia group that showed up at Stone Mountain, Georgia, heart of Ku Klux Klan territory, to demand reparations. Johnson suggested, give them Texas and they’ll call it even. Nobody paid much attention other than to call him brave, stupid or both for showing up there and demanding that.

Other ill intentions

While officers were conducting surveillance, prosecutors note, “police received a report at 8:34 p.m. that six to eight armed people had parked on Armory Place near a parking garage.”

Both local and federal officers went to check it out and see if “they were only protesting or had other ill intentions.” The militia didn’t seem to be f-ing around and appeared to have some sinister intentions indeed.

“As officers got into position and began surveillance” on the militia members, “two officers were blinded by some type of light.” At least it wasn’t a laser.

“As officers looked for the source, they determined that the light came off of a flashlight that was affixed to a rifle being carried by Johnson.” Three of the officers “witnessed Johnson aiming the rifle at the other two officers.”

Each and every one of the witnesses testified that they were more than a little nervous that “Johnson would fire on them either intentionally or accidentally.”

His YouTube videos suggest his skills with handling weapons are less than optimal. Footage of the militia group backed up the testimony and “Johnson was shown in the video aiming the rifle at the officers on the rooftop of the Grand Jury Building.”

A social media militia

Now that he’s been charged with an offense, his priors started coming to light. Along with running a social media militia Grand Master Jay has a habit of intimidating folks with firearms, especially his wife.

Back in 1995, he was jailed for “battering Reisha Williams as well as using a 20-gauge shotgun to threaten three other people.” In 2003, he was arrested “for threatening to kill his wife, Sheneice Johnson, and her Platoon Sergeant.”

Johnson has a colorful military career himself. He “served two active stints in the military, once with the Virginia National Guard and then the United States Army.” Both times he was kicked out.

Discharged for “other than honorable conditions” in place of court-martial. The FBI wants to know “how Johnson was able to enter the United States Army after being kicked out of the Virginia National Guard.”

Everyone else in America wants to know why the FBI didn’t pick that up after watching his YouTube videos sooner, unless they were hoping to push his militia into something on cue as desired.

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