
Federal Officials Ordered to Begin Mass Killing

The outrageous New Mexico cow massacre is set to begin today. The public is furious to learn that a judge refused on Wednesday to delay the proposed “aerial slaughter” of 150 wild cows in the state’s Gila Wilderness. New Mexico ranchers went to court, urging a judge to halt the U.S. Forest Service’s plans to conduct the unpopular massacre. A delay until the snow thaws would allow for a roundup and the animals can be harvested for food, rather than shot from choppers and left to waste. The judge said go ahead and shoot them now.

Cow massacre cleared for takeoff

The controversial cow massacre was cleared by District Judge James Browning to start Thursday, February 23, and is reportedly underway now. Angry New Mexico ranchers found themselves outgunned by the tree huggers.

The public from coast-to-coast is equally outraged that U.S. Forest Service officials were ordered to implement a controversial plan. It wasn’t their idea and they don’t like it but state officials ordered them to eliminate the wild cattle immediately. A judge agreed that it needs to be done on a rush basis.

The cow culling is expected to begin on schedule Thursday. “Federal officials from the U.S. Forest Service climbed into helicopters with high-powered rifles” and set their sights on wild cattle.

All for the planned but unpopular “lethal removal” of about “150 un-owned cattle roaming New Mexico’s Gila Wilderness in Gila National Forest.” It should all be over by Sunday, February 26.

On Wednesday, the district judge “approved the Forest Service’s proposal to shoot up to 150 feral cows,” while “striking down a requested delay from a group of ranchers and the New Mexico Cattle Growers’ Association.”

Ranchers argued that shooting down the problem cows would be “unlawful, cruel, and environmentally harmful.” The cow herd is blamed for their own death sentence. The judge sided with “the view of the USFS, decades of scientific research, and environmental advocacy groups like the Center for Biological Diversity.

Kill them from the sky

Liberal tree huggers have everyone convinced the wild cow herd needs to go. The only thing people got upset about was the method. These animals could be rounded up and harvested. Local ranchers volunteered to do the round up, if allowed to wait until the spring thaw. The judge didn’t care.

The only thing that mattered to him was getting those cows killed fast. “Though shooting cows from helicopters might seem an extreme solution to the problem, the animals are effectively an invasive species,” he ruled.

The judge also notes that “Officials have attempted to round up and remove the cattle without killing them. However, the Gila Wilderness’s rough terrain made such operations difficult, costly, and dangerous to the personnel involved.

That’s why the ranchers offered to do it for them. The cow killers at the Center for Biological Diversity argued that “these roundups and cattle drives led to about 50% cow mortality anyway.

The Judge agreed with USFS officials. “Killing the cattle from the sky is the most efficient and humane way to deal with this issue.” This isn’t the first time they did an airborne cow slaughter. “In February 2022, USFS conducted aerial shooting of cattle in the same sector of the Gila Wilderness. In last year’s operation, officials took out about 65 cows. No branded cows were injured, and the agency considered the cull a success.

The ranchers had a few things to say about that operation. “The USFS and APHIS ultimately shot 65 head of cattle during that operation, many of which were not killed instantly but wandered off, bled out and then died. Photographs showed carcasses in or on the banks of the Gila River. Calves were orphaned, starved and left for predators.

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