Did Biden Just Say Five Dollars A Gallon Isn’t Nearly Enough?

Well it looks like Joe Biden is back at it again…it’s no wonder his approval rating dropped faster than any other president in recent times. Not only has he caused skyrocketing inflation and gas prices but his lack of leadership and foreign policy plan have significantly limited the United States’ power and influence globally.

A recent announcement from the EPA revealed that a discretionary re-designation of the Permian Basin may be imposed, which accounts for about 40% of all US produced oil. If this is allowed to proceed then the EPA’s actions could cause draconian regulations that will have a direct impact on the nation’s most prolific oil field.

Here’s what Bloomberg reported:

The Biden administration is considering triggering tougher anti-smog requirements that could curb drilling across parts of the Permian Basin, the world’s biggest oil field that straddles Texas and New Mexico.

The Environmental Protection Agency is weighing labeling parts of the Permian Basin as violating federal air quality standards for ozone — a designation that would force state regulators to develop plans for cracking down on that smog-forming pollution. The move, outlined in a regulatory notice, could spur new permitting requirements and scrutiny of drilling operations.

Todd Staples, president of the Texas Oil and Gas Association, was contacted by Bloomberg to discuss the potential impacts an EPA attack on the Permian Basin would have on upcoming energy development.

“Creating uncertainty on permitting and inserting unnecessary regulatory barriers will only negatively impact the production necessary to meet the needs of consumers,” he said.

In response, Governor Greg Abbott wrote to Biden about the U.S. plan by the EPA that would have a detrimental impact on a quarter of the country’s gas supply.

Abbott asserted that the EPA’s plan would hinder oil and gas production in the Permian Basin, compromising a quarter of the nation’s gas supply.

Here is the letter provided by the Governor’s website that states:

“Dear Mr. President:

While you express concern about out-of-control gas prices, your Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is threatening to increase them even further. The EPA has begun  that, if finalized, would jeopardize the production of 95,000,000 gallons of gasoline per day—25 percent of our nation’s supply. The EPA’s process could interfere in the production of oil in Texas which could lead to skyrocketing prices at the pump by reducing production, increase the cost of that production, or do both.

Your administration’s announced action is completely discretionary. Thus, you have the power to stop it. If you do not, this action alone might serve as a catalyst for economic harm leading to an even deeper reliance on imported foreign energy and a faster economic decline into the pending recession by forcing even more pain for American consumers to pay at the pump.

You say that you want “to bring refineries back online to get more gas to the pump at lower prices.” See Remarks, March 31, 2022. That goal—shared by Americans—could be thwarted if the EPA is allowed to move forward with its discretionary regulatory process.

If Americans are to take you at your word, you will intervene and halt the EPA’s administrative process that could lead to higher gasoline prices, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs that would be put at risk.

Your fellow Americans are counting on you. You can either stand with Americans by working to reduce gas prices, or you can side with arbitrary and discretionary EPA bureaucrats who could impair oil production and jobs in the Permian Basin.

I will choose the American people and my fellow Texans who are working to fuel our country.

Here is the problem: The EPA recently announced that that it may impose a “discretionary redesignation” of the Permian Basin. See 40 C.F.R. part 81. This action could result in draconian regulations imposed by the EPA that would directly attack America’s most prolific oil field.

The Permian—most of which is located in Texas—accounts for approximately 40 percent of all oil produced in the U.S. According to U.S. Energy Information Administration data, Permian producers in Texas and New Mexico are responsible for 5.2 million barrels of oil per day— which can be processed into about 95,000,000 gallons of gasoline a day. On average, the U.S. consumes 369,000,000 gallons per day. If you let the EPA move forward with the untimely and unnecessary measures that accompany redesignation, that action will put at risk 25 percent of American oil supply. That, in turn, could substantially increase the cost of gasoline.

Because time is of the essence in these EPA proceedings, I must hear back from you by July 29, 2022. If the EPA’s proposed redesignation is not suspended by that date, Texas will take the action needed to protect the production of oil—and the gasoline that comes from it.


Greg Abbott Governor “

If the Biden administration continues with their stupidity, then Americans will continue to suffer as a result of record-breaking inflation, gas prices, and likely much more.

Watch it here: Youtube/Patriot News Network

Sources: Westernjournal, Bloomberg, Upstreamonline, Gov.texas.gov


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